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We are co-heirs with Christ

Accessing our Spiritual Inheritance

A woman who worked for an attorney told how sometimes estates are settled and there is difficulty locating the beneficiaries. All the wealth of a lifetime amassed, sitting there, remains untouched as the office tries to track down a distant relation.

We have an inheritance as believers, for “the Father has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light” (Colossians 1:12). All the riches of Christ belong to His church (Ephesians 3:8). And yet, the church can leave it untouched, choosing instead to life impoverished.

What is our inheritance? It is life eternal, beginning now. The supreme objective of God is to establish His kingdom on earth, in us and through us. The kingdom of heaven is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17).

Every arena of our experience on earth, be it our physical bodies, our personal relationships, our government, our finances, our children, our work, etc. are opportunities to usher in the kingdom of heaven. Righteousness, peace, and joy are ours to dispense to others and to expect for ourselves.

Of course, obedience goes hand in hand with the kingdom. We cannot be rebellious or disobedient and expect the Father’s blessing. As we walk in the Spirit and deny our flesh, the kingdom grows. We become more fruitful, and our joy and intimacy with the Father increases.

Attending a college celebration last year in a posh D.C. hotel, I was struck with how paltry and superficial everything seemed. Here were international bankers and lawyers and members of the Peace Corps, allegedly the world’s brightest and most prestigious achievers, celebrating our school’s legacy. Beyond the provost’s proud words, what did we really have? We had some great memories in Europe and Africa, some of us learning to speak the language better than others, a few even returning to nurture careers or families. Mingling, I found the atmosphere itself stifled and fragile, as though people were hiding behind their cocktails. Missing was the depth and warmth of what I experience regularly in any given gathering of believers, be it my own congregation on a Sunday morning, or a conference in which I might now know a soul but forge instant connections through the common thread of Christ.

Christ has accomplished the victory. It is finished. We now have the joy of administering the victory over every piece of existence that does not yet manifest the kingdom of heaven. We do this through prayer, through speaking life into people and situations, and through acts of obedience as the Spirit leads. What a wonderful inheritance!

What part of your inheritance has Christ provided that you need to access?

About Emily Tomko

Emily Tomko's radical encounter with the Lord while at a nightclub changed her life forever and inspired her first novel, College Bound: A Pursuit of Freedom. She is the author of seven books, including 31 Thoughts on Prophecy and Leaving the Shallows: igniting the faith that overcomes the world. Her tastes tend toward vintage and she's a Germanophile, having spent a year in Bremen and Nuremberg. Emily loves the scriptures and writes with fierce compassion and a deep desire to see people freed from the miry clay of this world and walking in the truth.

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  1. It is sad that so many believe their spiritual inheritance comes from their baptism or church attendance as a child. When in fact it is left on the table (or in the dusty unopened Bible on the shelf) untouched and is diminishing in value to them.

    • “Princes dressed as paupers” is the phrase that came to mind when I read your comment. Yes, and I believe an awakening is coming to the sleeping Bride, to the magnificence of her Bridegroom and to the riches that are hers through Him.

  2. Great article, Emily. Sadly to say, my life as a Christian has been almost a mirror image of the Hebrews in the Old Testament. Disobedience and failure to trust kept me bouncing back and forth for forty years. Quite a coincidence huh; 40 years in the wilderness? God had to finally bring me to a table in the operating room of the I U Cancer Center in Indianapolis before I would settle down and really discover that I truly am an heir as it says in Romans 8:17. He truly is our Faithful Father. Keep up the good work; you’re a blessing from God.

    • J.C., what a testimony. May He restore the years the locust has eaten, and continue to bear much fruit through you and your ministry. The love of God shines through you, even through type.

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