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What is the right burden to bear?

Those who say, “Christianity is a crutch,” know nothing of the challenge inherent in living the Scriptures.  Consider these words from Galatians:

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”  Galatians 6:2

 “For each one shall bear his own load.” Galatians 6:5

Do you, like me, ever find it difficult to discern what is the right burden to bear? Sometimes, allowing a child to handle a problem–even make a mistake–is the right choice.   Holding a loved one accountable for their responsibility–even when life piles on additional, unavoidable complications–can be the best path.  Pressing a friend to see a sin may be a God-given burden to bear.

On the other hand, in every one of those instances, it might NOT be the best plan!  Fulfilling the law of Christ is a daunting challenge; it is not a crutch.  Finding the balance God intends necessitates close fellowship with the Father.  It requires faith that believes mistakes are not the end of the story!

There are weights man is never intended to bear.  The costs of sin are weights that cannot be lifted; they must be given by the bearer to the Risen King.  Each is responsible for their own burden casting when sin is the cause.

 The weights of life, though, have important purposes and lifting them outside of God’s will causes greater damage.  Like the butterfly released too soon from its cocoon, individuals lifted out of their problems prematurely will be too weak to face future challenges. Parents who over-protect have created a new psychological diagnosis:  Failure to Launch.  We must seek the Lord’s will!


The first step in burden bearing is carrying each other to the Cross.  Intercessory prayer is hard work.  Burden bearing prayer looks like the friends who carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus.  They did not let anything keep them from presenting their friend to the Healer.  Praying people through to the face of Jesus is no less demanding.  The Lord will reveal His heart for those we pray for if we listen.  We don’t just drop them off at the Cross; we sit there until we feel what God feels.  Then, we are ready to carry answers back.

Sometimes God will lead us to be part of the solution.  Usually those are my favorite answers; I am a do-er.  Other times, though, God will say, “This is a burden I gave them to carry.  You love them through.”

As a mom with two young adults, I am walking this lesson out daily.  Moms solve problems–except when God says, “Let them go.  I’ve got them.”  Faith grows when we trust God to be the answer to our prayers.

Can you share a time God asked you to wait–with love and faith–for another to grow stronger?

About Billie Jo

Billie Jo is wife to Craig and mom to Rusty and Riesa. Formerly employed in the human service industry, the past fifteen years have been dedicated to homeschooling. She is a freelance writer for a number of print and internet publications. She is also passionate about serving in the community. She works in a GED preparation ministry and a community-based servant program that provides opportunities for youth to serve others. It is passion for the love of Jesus and His transforming work that motivates her writing and serving. "I love to see God at work in the lives of others and this is the way I see best."

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