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A Forgotten Little Boy and the God Who Never Forgets

Little Eddie Lincoln is often referred to as the forgotten son of Abraham Lincoln and his wife, Mary.   His place in history seems a vapor next to that of his three brothers, who all lived in the White House while their father was President. But he was never really forgotten. Here’s a little of what history recorded about the Lincolns’ “angel boy,” who died one month before his fourth birthday…

Eddie loved baby animals and once saved a lost kitten, feeding it himself.  He loved to wear plaid stockings on his little feet and his mother went to lengths to find them in local shops.  When Mr. Lincoln was traveling to Washington D.C. as a congressman from Illinois, Eddie would tell others that his father had “gone to tapila,” his endearing pronunciation of “Capitol.” And after his death, his father had the words of Jesus etched on his small gravestone: of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Life has a way of making us all feel forgotten at times.  For some, an entire childhood may have been lived with the sadness that comes from feeling alone, while for others it may be the rejection in adulthood of one we loved and trusted.  But our heavenly Father will never forget us. In fact, it is more probable that a nursing mother would forget her own infant:

Yet they say, “My Lord deserted us; he has forgotten us.” “Never! Can a mother forget her little child and not have love for her own son? Yet even if that should be, I will not forget you.  Isaiah 49:15

Do you find yourself feeling forgotten and alone? Do not believe it! God never leaves us abandoned, and you are loved.

About Lisa

My husband Dan and I have three children and three grandchildren. We live in central Illinois. I am a graduate of The Institute of Children's Literature, a member of faithwriters.com, and a member of SCBWI. My writings have been published at chirstiandevotions.us, in DevotionMagazine, the PrairieWind Newsletter, and here at thebottomline.co.

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