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The Difficult Path To Reconciliation

It seems I hear it daily–someone is at odds with a loved one.  Strife between a husband and wife leads to a strained silence.  Misunderstandings between parents and children of all ages, create hurt feelings and walls of separation.   Siblings no longer want to speak to one another because of an offense.  Even friends drift apart or purposefully go their separate ways over minor disagreements.

Our God is a relational God.  It is His highest goal that we be in relationship with Him first and foremost and secondly with each other.  It is no wonder the enemy of our souls seeks to destroy our relationships.

As I was praying for the restoration of strained relationships and asking God’s involvement therein, He showed me a very vivid picture of the way of reconciliation.  In my mind’s eye, I saw a path.  It didn’t look all smooth and easy.  This path contained obstacles and hindering things from its beginning to its end.  There were boulders of different sizes, deep ruts, and steep slopes and quagmires and entanglements.  Just about anything that would cause a person to say, “That looks too hard. Impossible.  I think I’ve changed my mind,” was represented.  Of course, those challenges were placed there by the enemy who delights to turn us back from attempting to trod the path of reconciliation.

I considered the demands of such a path and wondered if I had what it would take to make it to the goal, a restored relationship with my loved one.  The Lord kindly showed me that I did not have what it takes to make that journey.  He stressed that if I take His hand and follow His lead, together He and I can maneuver successfully through, over, or around every obstacle thereby gaining the victory–reconciliation.  He impressed upon me that it is a journey that is best traveled with a knowledgeable guide named Holy Spirit.

Take a moment to think about your relationships. Do you have any that need to be reconciled?  Be aware that often times pride stands in the way of taking that first step along that challenging path.  Humble yourself and ask the Holy Spirit for His guiding hand.  He very willingly holds it out to assist and guide us to the goal of restoration and reconciliation.

Have you thought about taking the first step toward reconciliation with someone?  Did you consider asking the Holy Spirit to walk that path with you?  Have you thought you could do it on your own which is really pride in disguise?  What next steps are you willing to take?

About Stephanie Hanouw

I just love walking outdoors - day or night. I identify most with the creative side of God and am energized by His artistry all around this world. He amazes me every time I turn around! Yeah, God and thank you, Jesus.

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