TimeLine Layout

October, 2024

  • 23 October

    Psalm 18 – A Powerful Reminder Of God’s Grace & Mercy

      Psalm 18 Psalm 18 is a profound declaration of God’s deliverance and faithfulness. David, the psalmist, begins by expressing his deep love for the Lord, acknowledging Him as his strength and protector. This psalm is a song of gratitude and victory, celebrating God’s intervention in times of distress. Psalm ...

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  • 23 October

    Pets And The Rapture

    According to world statistics there are 900 million dogs in the world, and 600 million cats, says the Ecology Global Network. For those who adhere to the teaching on being caught up into the Lord’s presence (1 Thessalonians 4:17) at some point in the future, what happens to pets is ...

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  • 22 October

    Sweet Reunion: A Longing Fulfilled

    Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. It is almost over. The season of waiting is nearly complete. Hope is rising and excitement is mounting. My heart, though faint at times, is gaining strength knowing the reunion will ...

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  • 21 October

    Considering The Poor And Needy

    Recently I stopped at a mini-mart to get gas. A young man was there with a bicycle loaded with all sorts of things hanging from it. After mentioning to him about all the things he had on his bike, he asked me for a dollar, which I gave him. I ...

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  • 19 October

    A Prayer For Peace & Wisdom From Above

    A Prayer for Peace and Wisdom O Lord, we seek Thy peace today, Guide our hearts in every way. Grant us wisdom, pure and true, In all we think and say and do. From dawn’s first light to evening’s end, May Thy peace on us descend. With every step and ...

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  • 18 October

    Passing Easily Through The Eye Of The Needle

    The Millionaire’s Transformation Jonathan who had amassed great wealth by working exceedingly hard. He lived in a grand mansion, drove the finest cars, and wore the most expensive clothes. Yet, despite his riches, Jonathan felt a deep emptiness inside. He had everything money could buy, but he lacked happiness and ...

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  • 18 October

    The Lily And God’s Provision

    pink lilies

    Have you ever visited a botanical garden? Have you viewed the manicured lawns, the trimmed bushes, the carefully tended flowers, and the pools with vegetation in them? One such garden included these beauties in their long list of flowers for July and August: Blackeyed Susan ‘Goldsturm”,  Crapemyrtle, Evergreen wisteria, Flame ...

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  • 17 October

    Conviction Over Conformity: Standing Strong In Faith

    Standing Firm in Faith: A Personal Reflection In a world that often values conformity over conviction, standing firm in one’s faith can feel like an uphill battle. As believers in Christ, we are called to be “in the world, but not of the world” (John 17:14-16). This calling often sets ...

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  • 17 October

    Being Set Free

    Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. For the first time in five and a half years of working at local primary school, I am finally, only a chaplain. Let me clarify that. ...

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  • 16 October

    The Alphabet The Letter M (Chinese/English)

    The Letter M 字母M  Psalm 119 诗篇119篇 15 I will meditate in thy precepts and have respect unto thy ways. 【诗119:15】我要默想你的训词,看重你的道路。 48 My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved; and I will meditate in thy statutes. 【诗119:48】我又要遵行(原文作“举手”)你的命令,这命令素来是我所爱的。我也要思想你的律例。 78 Let the proud be ashamed; for they dealt ...

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