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Tag Archives: God’s direction

When A Christian Sins

Guilty, sin was exposed

The man bowed his head. He was ashamed to look Nathan in the eyes. His shoulders slumped. Tears came to his eyes. The prophet Nathan had just confronted him about his sin with Bathsheba and his murder of her husband. Then he told David that he had “given great occasion ...

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Positioning yourself to hear God speak

hear God speak

“I don’t hear God speak. I hear people say, ‘God told me this or that’ like it’s an everyday thing, but it doesn’t happen for me.” Perhaps you can relate to this sentiment. You’d be thrilled to hear from Heaven about specific areas of your life, but you don’t know ...

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What’s He Looking At?

It was the second week of horse training.  Quietly the trainer explained, “Today we will teach him that where you look, he must move.”  I had never heard of such a thing and watched with interested amusement.  Within five minutes, amusement turned to awe.  By then the diminutive trainer had ...

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Escaping The Plague Of Indecision

As we drove up to the card shop, I quickly briefed my husband, “I need a birthday card. Don’t shut the car off; I’ll be right back.”  Then, too many minutes later, I finally trudged out of the store with nothing to show for my efforts.  Not one card was ...

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