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Amelia Brown is from the beautiful island of Jamaica. She is a 28 year old Guidance Counselor by profession, but a passionate writer at heart. Most of her articles written are aimed at stimulating positive change under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. She is also a published poet and a member of Faithwriters. Outside of writing, she enjoys volunteering, cooking, and turning frowns right side up. Amelia currently lives in New York.

Biography Of The World’s Greatest Man

She was a woman with a beautiful heart, and a humble spirit. Even though she was a virgin, Mary carried her baby for nine months and went through the standard child delivery process. Jesus Christ the Nazarene was born to mother Mary and father, Holy Spirit. His father however, placed ...

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The Lion That Provides Spiritually

Lions are known as the kings of the jungle. This title is mostly attributed to their strength and powerful demeanor. In addition, like a king, they too maintain order and demand control. Husbands are often viewed as the kings/lions of the home–or as the “Bread-winners.” This means they should provide, ...

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4 Reasons Joseph Rocks!

He woke up startled. The beads of sweat that formed across his forehead, ran down the side of his face. Breathing heavily, he listened to the sound of his heartbeat echoing loudly in his ears as he tried to calm himself. He sat up in bed and replayed the dream ...

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