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Matthew S

I'm currently a Deacon at a Baptist Church in the process of becoming an elder. I have an amazing wife and one son. Currently work in a box/puzzle factory. I enjoy studying God's word, lifting weights, hiking, hunting and fishing.

Be Aware: Know The Situation

Why is situational awareness important? In a game like chess, it is crucial to know everything you can know about where your opponent’s pieces are placed, where your pieces are, and how they like to play the game. Who has the white pieces and who has the black pieces. All ...

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It’s Fun To Be A Fool

It’s fun to be a fool, not really. You genuinely don’t have a care in the world. You do what you want when you want. Consequences: what are those? You live for yourself and no one else. You care not if you die or who you take with you. It’s ...

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The Hardest People To Love

Jesus tells us to love our enemies. Not an easy task for a prideful people. We want the people who cause us harm or do us wrong to receive a swift and just punishment. I don’t think that’s an inherently bad thing but we have a means for that punishment ...

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Put Sin To Death.

“Be killing sin or it will be killing you”. This phrase was made famous by puritan John Owen. The meaning of it is simple but profound. It hits to the heart of every mortal’s problem. Sin is something we all fight with or better yet struggle with. Only Jesus Christ ...

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Disciplining Your Family

Family discipleship needs to make a comeback. Local churches are not meant to be the primary way our children learn about the things of God. They only maybe spend 2-3 hrs a week with our kids, we the parents are there the bulk of the time. So it’s essential that ...

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