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Why I Am A Christian (Chinese/English)

Why I Am A Christian


So, I am not an atheist, I am a Christian!


You may be saying, but there is no evidence for God, yes there is.


Why do I believe in God, why Christianity?


First let’s look at the influence of Christianity.


It is a faith that is:


Counter Cultural, it is the one faith, the culture may say one thing, but Christianity says another. It does say that we are to obey government and the authorities, but it teaches that we need to go against the flow of society and to live as lights in the world. The people of God are the salt and light of this world.


It breaks country barriers, no other faith is in every country in the world, the same faith is in China, Usa, Uk and Egypt. The faith of these people in different lands is the same, it is the only true global faith.


Atheists say, where is God? if there is a God, where is He? Christ came to earth, lived on earth and died the death you deserve. God has shown his compassion and care for us.


God has sent his Son for us, he cared enough to come. So where is God? He has come and lived amongst us for thirty years,  and died for us. How much care and compassion do you want?


Christianity is the only faith, that centres on a person. It centres on Christ. You may be an atheist, but you cannot deny that Jesus was a historical person.


What made him different? What has made millions of people give up their lives and follow him over the last 2000 years?


CS Lewis said, that Jesus was either a Liar, Lunatic or Lord. He was one of the other, you cannot ignore the man of Galilee.

CS Lewis说,基督或者是一个说谎者,或者是精神错乱者,或者是主。他只能是其中一个。你不能对这个加利利人视而不见。

He had a supernatural conception

He lived a perfect life

He said words that were beyond belief

He dies a terrible death

He rose from the grave and defeated death

He changes lives


Christianity centres on the cross, every other so-called religion seeks to reach up to God, but Christianity has God reaching down to man. The cross is central, no other so-called prophet like Mohammed or Buddha has done anything to deal with man’s sin.


Christianity calls for change, a radical one that it calls Conversion. It starts with the Holy Spirit convicting men/women of their sin and calling them to repentance. Christianity is the only faith that changes the human heart, it has brought about change in millions of people, who were thought beyond help. It has transformed Murderers, Drug addicts, Prostitutes and the like.


It also breaks the cycle of sin, man is trapped and has no way out, we go on living day to day and then we die, the atheist says, we have seventy years if we lucky and then we are no more. If that is the case and they are right, what is the point of life?


Jesus said, I am come that they might have life and have it in abundance John 10:10. He offers life with a capital L, not just here in this life, but he opens the way to heaven, he alone can give us peace with God and eternal life.


The message is clear, Jesus came and died and then rose again, defeating death and will come again. It is a true message; it couldn’t be any clearer. The bible speaks with clarity, creation speaks with clarity, people with changed lived speak with clarity.


The clock is ticking, we all have a limited time on this earth, the most important question, we face is this:


What we will do with Jesus?


As CS Lewis said he is either a liar, Lunatic or he is Lord.

正如CS Lewis所说,他或者是一个谎言,或者是一个精神错乱者,或者他就是主。

As an atheist, you can’t get away from this fact, one day you will die. Are you scared, you bet you are!. But Jesus has defeated death and the grave and he offers life, the one you refuse to believe in loves you and went to the cross for you.


God’s command is for everyone to repent, man’s greatest need is peace. Peace with God. Man’s burden is sin, it is like pilgrim in Pilgrim’s Progress, he carries it around, it burdens him. There were many people who tried religion and good works to get rid of their sin, but the only place, sin is dealt with, is at the cross of calvary.


Paul has a great discourse, with the learned men of Athens, here is what he says:


Acts 17

,27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us,

使徒行传 17


but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”


Is God calling you, time is passing. Acts 4:12 says, today is the day of salvation. In Hebrews we read harden not your heart.

神在呼召你吗?时间正在过去。使徒行传 4:12说,今天就是救恩的日子。在希伯来书中,我们读到了坚硬的心,而非你真实的内心。

It’s up to you, please carefully consider the evidence.  I write this because of deep care for people, I am saved only because of God’s grace and mercy and can write this and say like Paul Romans 1

一切取决于你。请仔细思考这些证据。我写这些源于对人们深切的关心,我仅仅因为神的恩典和怜悯就已经得救,所以能像保罗,写下并说出罗马书 1

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek


God bless you


About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is [email protected] Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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One comment

  1. Keith,
    I really enjoyed reading this post – the contrasting view hold a “semblance of commonality.”
    Great message – your posts have heart and soul.
    God Bless~

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