Classic Layout

Guilty, sin was exposed

When A Christian Sins

The man bowed his head. He was ashamed to look Nathan in the eyes. His shoulders slumped. Tears came to his eyes. The prophet Nathan had just confronted him about his sin with Bathsheba and his murder of her husband. Then he told David that he had “given great occasion ...

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The Lost Generation (Chinese/English)

Judges 2 士师记2 10 And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which He had done for Israel. 10那世代的人也都归了自己的列祖。后来有别的世代兴起,不知道耶和华,也不知道耶和华为以色列人所行的事。 11 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the ...

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Don’t Just Say; Do!

“Do as I say, not as I do”. Does anyone else remember this old saying? I certainly do. It seems like I heard it quite often when I was growing up. I can recall on several occasions thinking; he told me to do this but he’s not doing this. Why ...

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Why I Am A Christian (Chinese/English)

Why I Am A Christian 为什么我是一个基督徒? So, I am not an atheist, I am a Christian! 那么我不是一个无神论者,我是一个基督徒! You may be saying, but there is no evidence for God, yes there is. 你可能会说,对于神,没有什么证据,然而证据确实存在。 Why do I believe in God, why Christianity? 为什么我相信神,为什么是基督教呢? First let’s look at the influence of Christianity. 首先让我们看一看基督教的影响力。 ...

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Beginning With Creation To Redemption

In the vast expanse of eternity, before time began and galaxies spun into existence, God had a plan—a magnificent, intricate design that would unfold across the ages. Delving into this Divine plan of the LORD’s, that were woven with threads of love, purpose, and redemption by our Creator-The  One and ...

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More Than Conquerors

Does your life seem hopeless as time passes by, while living for Christ, no matter how hard you try? Jesus will walk with you through each battle, even though the results may leave you baffled. If you see that’s where you are each day, He wants to give you His ...

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