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Oh Yes LORD- I Accept Your RSVP!

Titus 2:11-12 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;  Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

That passage form Titus 2:11-12 says it all. We as Christians have the choice to live in a righteous way, rejecting and rebuking all things ungodly. We have the choice, and the choice is ours. For me the choice is obviously one in which to please God, and to know His Word thereby we get to know Him.

However, it is interesting how many people don’t really know any passages in the Bible. Actually, that is a poor choice of words. I will say it in a more direct way, so forgive my candor. “It is truly a travesty how many people don’t know God or His word.”

Case in point. My sister hosted a gathering of people from her church, and during such time a game was played, “how many Bible verses do you know?”  Would you believe this next comment, “barely anyone there knew more than two verses from God’s Word!”

Now when my sister told me this I wasn’t completely surprised but I was very saddened to hear it openly told. Now, I’m not here to condemn or judge in this article I’m writing. However, I do wish to point out that the majority of these individuals couldn’t go farther than two or five verses from the Bible, even after attending church a good portion of their lives. I had to reconcile with the bold fact that most individuals attend church for many reasons, but the vast majority seems to stem out of an obligatory practice. Or some robotic practice they fulfill on a weekly basis, and nothing more.

This was solidified by my sister’s comments, who is extremely active in her church and a big part of the community she serves. She was equally disappointed and dismayed at the lack of knowledge they had of the Bible and the Word of God. She offered to do a weekly Bible study to those who wanted to get into the roots and trenches of the Word. She put out a “sign-up” sheet for those who wished to attend. I am delighted to say that most people there signed up!  That made me equally pleased as my sister to learn about their eagerness in getting into the Word more.

The thing is most people seem to respond with, “I’m a good person, God loves me, I don’t have to really know His Bible to get to heaven.” Well, this may be true to a certain degree. But when it comes down to not knowing “Jesus” they’re not going anywhere!  And the laws and ways of Christ. I get so confused at to why anyone wouldn’t want to know about someone who died for us! Someone that loves us that much!  And someone that who will never let us down.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

A careless disregard to the facts of who Jesus is can lead those unknowing and disinterested individuals straight to hell. And that is exactly what the enemy would love to accomplish. God gives us so many opportunities and is standing with open arms inviting us to partake of His Kingdom, and to be seated at His table and sup with Him for Eternity, and yet so many refuse the RSVP! So many throughout the reservation to be in attendance with the KING!

Isn’t He worth the time and effort to read His Word? Isn’t He worth the time and effort to please Him and get acquainted with Him?  Not to mention the countless rewards that come from knowing Him and the assurance of a safety net that is within our reach, should we need it.  Isn’t that comforting and reason to accept His invitation?

What will you do with the LORD’s personal RSVP to you, this very day? Will you answer it? Or will it be discarded?  It’s up to you.

“Dear Father, thank You for Your invitation to be a part of Your Kingdom, and for Your love, I accepted you in childhood, and as an adult, I will serve You willingly forever, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


C D SWANSON is an Author of 22 plus books, freelance writer, contributor to various websites, including The Bottom Line Ministries/Faith News. She's an active member of Faithwriters- and has her online website/ministry for over 15 years. It is her greatest joy to write what’s in her heart, and thus her favorite form of expression is in her devotionals. She and her husband share a deep love of God and dote on their fur baby Mickey. Retired Director from Long Term Healthcare Industry, she continues to be an advocate for many. To check out other writings of this author you can go here:

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  1. Oh how the devil delights in people’s ignorance and busyness. Especially if it comes to spiritual matters. What good are we when we neglect knowing those things that were given from the Lord to us by many writers down through the ages as a blessing or a warning. If it isn’t tucked away in our hearts than we become susceptible to careless living. We also lack in the area of sharing God’s message. We can become vulnerable to a wrong interpretation of the Bible by religious people spreading false teachings. They have a way of using familiar words and reinventing the meanings from the true interpretation of the word. Another trick of the devil.
    I watched a video yesterday of a former Muslim who became a follower of Christ go up to JW ladies standing on a sidewalk pushing their literature.and he inquire about their understanding of who Christ is in regards to having the title Jehovah according to Christian teaching. One big observation is their ignorance of the true word of God. But no worries, they couldn’t answer what they believed either so they would just take his name and phone number to give to an elder of their belief system to get back with him. It was like saying that they would choose to be blind to religious matters and let someone else deal with the issues but they felt that they were secure in that doctrine even if it wasn’t clear to them. What sorrow to see people trust in a lie and be dead in their sins; banished for all eternity for lack of truth that can save their souls.
    But this man had boldness because he knew the scriptures and expressed that he wasn’t there to argue but to show them certain passages that state the rightful meaning of this One. They willfully dismissed the truth though they couldn’t explain away the passages in Revelation yet the Lord used the man to give them the opportunity to see His true glory and mercy even if they turned a blind eye. But that can be a seed planted to draw them out of darkness into His light.
    Your sister is doing a wonderful service to prompt her church going family into a closer walk with the Lord by knowing and not just hearing the word of God.

  2. Dear Cora,

    Thank you again so very much for being so faithful in your responses in encouraging ALL of the writers, and readers alike. You are an amazingly kind and compassionate woman, whom I treasure dearly! So very few leave any comment on articles. On my DEAR GOD – website as well, there are “readers” and followers, but few take the time – like you to comment so faithfully. You are a phenom!

    Second, love how you brought it together with examples and such. Loved the opening- Yes that darn enemy loves ignorance and busyness!

    My sister does a lot of good for community and volunteering in addition to her being a fine RN, she is an amazing woman overall. Love and so blessed to have Jo as my big sis!

    Blessings to you dear Cora, God has gifted you with the spirit of compassion and love for all.

  3. C D,
    Many years ago in my first pastorate in the 1960s, I met with all my Sunday School teachers and told them I wanted to have a special Bible study course for them as teachers. They all replied that they didn’t need that. They already knew the Bible well.

    I proposed a Bible test to check that out and they agreed to take the test. So I carefully prepared the test. It was long, but with many who, what, where, when type questions. All of them failed miserably and were willing to admit that they needed to learn. After that, we had extensive Bible training for the teachers – and the Lord blessed.

    Most Christians do not realize how woefully ignorant of the Bible they are. But they can learn if they will apply themselves and do it as unto the Lord.

    Thanks for your great, much needed article!

    • Hello Dale,
      Thank you so much for sharing that with me/us. That was a clever way to “test the waters of Bible knowledge!” Love that you did that. How wonderful they had you leading them into the wisdom of the Word through knowing the LORD, and blessings abound! Appreciate your comments and your insight Dale, you bring so much depth to the forefront.
      It’s my pleasure writing to exalt Him and the Word, so you are very welcome!
      God Bless~

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