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Tag Archives: Colossians

Fleeting Opportunities (Chinese/English)

Fleeting Opportunities 转瞬即逝的机会 “Make the most of your chances to tell others the Good News. Be wise in all your contacts with them.  Let your conversation be gracious as well as sensible, for then you will have the right answer for everyone Colossians 4:5-6.” 用一切机会传讲神的好消息。要用智慧与外人交往。 你们的言语要带着优雅和朴实,因此就可知道该怎样回答各人。 歌罗西书 4:5-6 Life is ...

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Communities: Have You Spread It Today?

Jeremiah 15:16 “Thy Words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Jeremiah was a priest and prophet, who spoke the words of the LORD. His main focus was to bring the Word to the unresponsive people of ...

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Tired of Trying to Hold it all Together?

Although I love many things about my life and the times I’m living in, there are those days when I miss the innocence and pleasures of childhood.  Those simple days long ago when my biggest concern was whether it would rain the next day, keeping me from the swimming pool, ...

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Christmas: A Time of Forgiveness and Restoration

“Forgiveness is giving up the possibility of a better past.” Christmastime can bring up many feelings especially unforgiveness and without forgiveness we won’t be able to experience restoration. Jesus was born so that we could experience restoration with the Lord. When we don’t forgive others it not only hurts our ...

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