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Tag Archives: contentment

Living In Contentment Not Determined By Money

I came across an article entitled, “New Standard For Financial Security in America: $186.000 Per Year.” The article was also aired on Fox News. Financial security, according to the article, is based on paying the bills, having some discretionary money left over, and money set aside for emergencies and retirement. ...

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Contentment or $100,000?

I recently came across an article entitled, “$100,000 Income  Needed In All 50 States To Live The American Dream.” The American Dream is defined as “the ideal that every citizen of the United States should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative”(The ...

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Spiritual Security In A Troubled World

In these times of uncertainty with global events, wars, and the total breakdown of society, security will not be found in corrupt governments, world leaders (of which there are none at this moment in time), the COVID vaccine, or anything that humanity can invent or discover. Many have come to ...

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Content in God’s Arms

My great grandmother, Mary Jane, came to America from the southern shore of England when she was a young woman. Of all the little ways of English life she continued to cherish here in America, tea time was a favorite. Throughout her 80 years, she always made time in the ...

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Be Content, My Soul

When my grandchildren ask me what I did when I was young, I find my answers to be simplistic. In an age of electronic games, multiple sports teams, and personal phones that often isolate us from real human contact, telling my little people about roller skating with old metal skates, ...

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