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Tag Archives: Discipline

Godly Parenting In Perilous Times

Parenting in this day and age is difficult. I know this is something that is said in every generation and it is probably true for the time period. These days we see a rise in the celebration of sin and degradation of our society. People’s moral fabric is being sewn ...

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Disciplining Your Family

Family discipleship needs to make a comeback. Local churches are not meant to be the primary way our children learn about the things of God. They only maybe spend 2-3 hrs a week with our kids, we the parents are there the bulk of the time. So it’s essential that ...

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Daring To Discipline

1 Samuel 2:29 Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and at mine offering, which I have commanded in my habitation; and honorest thy sons above me to make yourselves fat with the chiefest of all the offerings of Israel my people? Eli, high priest to the people of Israel. Father ...

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The Ninth Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control

Self-control is the last of the fruits of the Spirit, but certainly not least in importance. Some of the other fruits like love, patience, kindness, goodness, and gentleness are contingent on exhibiting self-control to one degree or another. It is of prime importance when it comes to living a godly ...

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God’s Wardrobe For Us

Preparing to show ourselves to the world each morning usually takes some time. We want to look our best before we face the eyes and opinions of others. The 1950’s is a good place in time to look when considering the well-dressed.  Women of the time often cared for their ...

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