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Tag Archives: envy

Barnabas The Encourager

Acts 11:25-26 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, to seek Saul: And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. Barnabas is a fine example of a young man who ...

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Hidden Beneath the Symptoms

It’s our nature to become overly focused on unpleasant symptoms. Relief will drive us to try many things, some of them questionable. But the danger in relieving only the symptoms is that if we fail to look beneath them, we may not deal with the cause in a timely manner. ...

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Does God Get Emotional?

Ah … the rainbow of emotions! We can be green with envy one day, feel red-hot anger the next, or be overcome with the blues when we’re saddened. Sometimes, we may feel greens, reds, and blues in one day’s time! Whether it’s anger that pops up at an  inconvenient time, ...

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Sole Dance–How to Please An Audience of One

There are many types of dance that cannot be done alone. Imagine a finely dressed gentleman attempting to Foxtrot without a partner, or a graceful lady waltzing around a ballroom floor alone!  Life is filled with occasions that require more than one individual to do the exact same thing or ...

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Are You a Modern Day Eve?

The day the devil deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, was a day like any other. Eve didn’t wake up that morning with a plan to rebel, she went about her day like she always does. It was business as usual. She and Adam were more than likely enjoying ...

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