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Tag Archives: God

Don’t Just Say; Do!

“Do as I say, not as I do”. Does anyone else remember this old saying? I certainly do. It seems like I heard it quite often when I was growing up. I can recall on several occasions thinking; he told me to do this but he’s not doing this. Why ...

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Why I Am A Christian (Chinese/English)

Why I Am A Christian 为什么我是一个基督徒? So, I am not an atheist, I am a Christian! 那么我不是一个无神论者,我是一个基督徒! You may be saying, but there is no evidence for God, yes there is. 你可能会说,对于神,没有什么证据,然而证据确实存在。 Why do I believe in God, why Christianity? 为什么我相信神,为什么是基督教呢? First let’s look at the influence of Christianity. 首先让我们看一看基督教的影响力。 ...

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How Clean Is Your Temple?

God declared our spiritual temples as His, when we decided to follow, being born again. As we show respect for our Risen Lord and Savior, it becomes clearer to us how we receive His favor. God created us solely for His glory, but showing that, is unique in each story. ...

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Highly Favored (Chinese/English)

Psalm 84:12– O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. 诗篇 84:12-万军之耶和华啊,倚靠你的人,便为有福。(《和合本》版本) Highly favored 备受眷顾 This is one of my favorite Psalms and I just love how it ends. The psalmist proclaims his desire to dwell in the courts of his God (see verses 1 and 10). ...

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Weeping, Watching And, Warfare (Chinese/English)

NUMBERS 25 民数记 25  6 And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the ...

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