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Tag Archives: God’s plan

Beginning With Creation To Redemption

In the vast expanse of eternity, before time began and galaxies spun into existence, God had a plan—a magnificent, intricate design that would unfold across the ages. Delving into this Divine plan of the LORD’s, that were woven with threads of love, purpose, and redemption by our Creator-The  One and ...

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God’s Plan: Lilly’s Story

Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. Lilly’s father had died of cancer when she was just a wee girl, perhaps 4 or 5. Too young to ever know him well. Her mother, the family always commented, was ...

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Life Is Full Of The Unexpected

Recently, while driving on the freeway, a speeding and impatient driver was going in between cars from lane to lane. You know the kind of driver I am talking about. In this case the driver cut in very close to the front of my vehicle. There could have been a ...

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God’s Overcoming Plan For Us

Charging forth with all our might,we won’t give up but continue to fight!For, you see, there is a battle going on,placed in our paths to make us strong.Sometimes we tend to forget its purpose,yielding more towards frustrations that hurt us.God has prepared us for each spiritual war,knowing full well there ...

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