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Tag Archives: heart

When To Seek God’s Wisdom And Peace

Are there times in your life when you just do not know what to do? There is no clear direction. You have no idea what the next step should be? Perhaps you are going through something like that at this very moment. That is why this article caught your attention. ...

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The Perfect Love of Jesus Casts Out All Fear

1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” Ever since I was a teenager I have loved going for long walks late at night. A stroll along ...

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The Thrill Of Giving And The Delight of Receiving

Part of the delight of celebrating Christmas is giving gifts–that makes perfect sense since God offered us a wonderful example by gifting us with His precious Son, Jesus. (John 3:16)  Gift-givers experience a thrill that travels to the deepest heart level as they witness hope-filled, sparkling eyes anticipating what could ...

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Do You Celebrate Thanksgiving or Thanks-Living

I admit I am a “Black Friday Shopper.” My sister and I get up long before the sun.  We trudge through the masses in search of treasure. We laugh at the idiots who fight over Furbie  (actually saw someone go down once over that one!), and we love it.  I ...

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