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Tag Archives: Helping Others

A Handful of Helpful Heroes

The interest of most teenagers today lies in music, fashion, and technological gadgets; not so much in helping others. The less than pleasant disposition and overall supercilious attitude of most young adults doesn’t help their reputation either. As a result, most people view the teen years as a time of ...

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Teens Helping Others – Volunteer Opportunities

The great thing about volunteering is that you get to choose whatever interests you. With so many options, there is something for everyone. When you’re doing something you enjoy, it doesn’t seem like drudgery. If money is short, you can donate your time. Focusing on others can also relieve anxiety ...

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The Codependent Christian

  Psychologists define codependency as an inordinate and unhealthy compulsion to rescue and take care of people, and when you allow another person’s problems to control how you think, feel, and act.  This can occur with spouses, family members, and friends. Enabling goes hand in hand with codependency. Enabling is ...

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Loving Beyond the Norm

It was just another regular work evening at the airport when she met him. He was a college student from Jamaica who came to the States to work for the summer. But he was as lost as a two year old who has strayed from his mommy. It was his ...

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Loyal Companion to Cross Center Stage

“I now present to you the graduating class of 2014.” Yes, it is that time of year when caps and gowns will be worn and tears of sadness, joy, and excitement will be shed. However, this year has a slight twist for one high school senior. Desi, a Michigan teenager, ...

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