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Tag Archives: personal

What Is Personal Evangelism?

1 Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass or a tingling cymbal. What comes to mind when you think of the term evangelism? Perhaps like me, your mind immediately goes to standing on a ...

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5 Questions Atheists Tend to Ask Part 2

In Part 2 I respond to the age old question of: Where is your evidence? Well the evidence is in the results, if you want to see it, just follow the scientific method and see. If atheists are truly seekers of truth they will perform an experiment to see whether ...

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How Healing and Deliverance are Connected

Healing the sick, and deliverance from demons were the two most common supernatural signs that accompanied the ministry of Jesus. They were a demonstration of the message that Jesus preached: the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. As the kingdom of God advanced, healing the sick and casting out demons were ...

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Grafted Into God’s Elect Family

In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses wrote an exciting recap for the Jewish people of all that God did throughout their journey from bondage in Egypt until they prepared to enter the Promised Land.  Every time I read this awesome book, I realize again how much God loves people–especially His ...

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Write Your Personal Faith Story

Has anyone ever asked you to give your testimony?  Do people often say, “You should write a book”?  Do you want to leave a record of your faith for your children and grandchildren? It does not matter why:  writing about your faith journey is a great endeavor. It helps you see and ...

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