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Tag Archives: Stealing

Hurting The One Who Loves Us

Dad and son - grief because of sin

The most touching words you can say are a sincere “I love you.”  They are even more meaningful in a time of loss. In those times, we grieve. Grief is a natural response to a loss, whether it be the death of a loved one, a broken engagement, a home ...

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You, Your Money and God

My pastor’s recent sermon centered on three things: God, money and me.  I was impacted by the unusual clarity of this message and want to share it with you. If you are seeking a closer walk with God, money is one of the biggest issues that can block you from ...

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Swiper No Swiping!

With a face fighting hard to conceal guilt, Isabella casually walked into the room. Unbeknown to her, the peanut butter fudge cookie she had just devoured in secret, left bold crumbs sprawled across the corners of her mouth. “Isabella did you take a cookie from the jar?” Her mother asked. ...

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Cyber Thieves

He stole it all. This monster took My contacts… My mails… My privacy… And my identity. I’ve heard of hacking happening to others, but I didn’t know it would have happened to me. I admit, I pitifully went into the “Why-me” phase. But quickly got over it however, and moved ...

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Teens & Peer Pressure

Teens & Peer Pressure By Joel B. Proverbs 13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Friends, teens, today I’m going to talk to you about peer pressure. What is peer pressure? It’s when you feel the urge to do ...

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