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Putting Prayer In Its Proper Place (Chinese/English)

1 TIMOTHY 2:1-3 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

提摩太前书 2:1-3 因此,我劝勉大家,首先要为所有人恳求、祈祷、代祷和感谢;为了君王,为了所有掌权者;使我们能以敬虔和诚实的方式过上安静和平的生活。

Putting Prayer In Its Proper Place

This is not a good time in the world, there is a lot going on and it is going to get worse. Recent events in Afghanistan have shown how vulnerable the so-called Christian nations are. Have they been complacent, undoubtedly, the answer is YES.


Let’s look at this from a biblical view, I do not have a political axe to grind, although I feel my own country, has not come out of this smelling of roses.


The children of Israel were and are Gods chosen people, they have had God’s hand on them from earliest times and yet God has had to deal very harshly with them, because of their rebellion, stubbornness and idolatry.


First of all, we need to realize that there is no nation, that is above God. The children of Israel were and are God’s special possession, the UK, my own land, was used to bring the gospel to the world, Germany was the birthplace of the reformation and now the USA is the heart of world mission, and the Chinese church is probably the largest Christian entity in the world.


Whatever blessing’s God has given in the past, does not mean anything now. We are to continue our walk with God. No nation can rest on its laurels, Psalm 2 is a graphic picture of God’s view of the Nations, he laughs at their plans, foolish is the nation who thinks they can shut God out and get away with it. How many nations have done that?


Like the children of Israel, it is easy to promise much and to do little. The children of Israel pledged allegiance to God in Joshua 24, but in a few years, they were whoring and chasing after other gods. They were told to instruct their children, they were told to write the laws of God all over their houses, why did the future generations not learn the laws and statutes of God?


Is it the same with us? Someone once said Christianity is one generation away from death. We have to teach our children, fathers and mothers, this is your responsibility, it is not the responsibility of the church youth group or your pastor, surely, we need to get back to the family altar. Many JW families and I disagree with them intensely, but they put emphasis on the family altar, why don’t we.


Not only have we taken prayer out of the home, but we have taken it out of the church, the church prayer meeting is the least attended meeting of the week. We pray for things that aren’t important, let me explain. Years ago, at my church, an old lady of 95 had a cold, 5 people prayed for her in the prayer meeting, I had a prayer request for the Persecuted church, I ended up praying for that myself. If we come together to pray, then let’s pray. We have prayer breakfasts, but we won’t pray before we have eaten, let me challenge you with this, don’t eat until you finish storming heaven.


Prayer has been removed from homes and churches and now schools, when I went to school, we had assembly, we sang a hymn, the Gideons came round giving out NT, I’ve still got mine.


If you pray at school, you are laughed at, it is something that is looked down on, unless you are Muslim or Hindu and praying to some false deity, we have to give other religions an opening after all, give them an opening and they will take a mile. What Did God say to the Israelites, have nothing to do with these false religions.


So, it spreads from homes to churches to schools and then to society in general. We cry about the injustices in society and sure there are many, where is the voice of the believers, even more, where is the voice of the church crying out in anguish and pain to our Father in heaven.


All this leads to the state we are in now; we are crying about Afghanistan; it is a terrible stain on all the countries of the west. But this is the return, when so called Christian nations turn their backs on God and think they can get away with it. When God sent the children of Israel into exile, he shamed them publicly before their enemies. Jerusalem, the royal city, the city of the temple was broken down, please read the book of Lamentations, read the pain in the prophet Jeremiah’s words, the agony he is under for his people. Let me ask you, you see what is happening to America, Uk, Canada etc., do you weep like him?


We are in a sorry state but there is hope in all this, God restored his people, He will save a remnant of His people, He brought people like Nehemiah, Ezra and others to bring back life to Jerusalem. Ultimately, He sent Jesus to redeem us and to transform our lives, there is hope for us, but only if we turn in repentance and faith to the Lord. You know the scriptures, you know what to do, so why is it so difficult to do it?


To the countries who are watching the situation in Afghanistan and are either pointing the finger or smugly saying, it’s your own fault or are even helping the Taliban. God sees what you are doing. People like Moab and others looked smugly on when Judah was exiled, these countries were punished and those who do it now, will be punished also.


There is hope, but we need to put prayer first in the home, then in the church, then in our schools, then and only then will we produce men and women, who like Daniel said know their God and are able to exploits.


Enough of this, we need to take action, here are some ways, you and I can take action:


Turn off the TV, switch off your cell phone and computer and spend an hour or so in prayer and bible study.


Establish or re-establish the family altar in your home.


If your son/daughter is of school/college/university age, pray for that campus and get other Christian parents to do the same.


Establish a prayer meeting in your home to pray for the nations.


You may have other ideas, get your church involved.


Time is short, we need to put prayer back in its proper place, it should be the first place, we go to, prayer seems so obvious, but it seems to be the hardest thing to do, we have so many distractions.


How can we know God, by being still, be being quiet, prayer is not about us, it’s about God’s glory.


Oswald chambers said:


Prayer does not fit us for the greater work: prayer is the greater work


Dl Moody said:


Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.


Prayer is weakness leaning on omnipotence.


Nehemiah, Ezra, Josiah, the list goes on, revival starts when God’s people pray, nay when even one person prays.


Maybe that person, is you?


God bless you.



1 TIMOTHY 2:1-3 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

提摩太前书 2:1-3 因此,我劝勉大家,首先要为所有人恳求、祈祷、代祷和感谢;为了君王,为了所有掌权者;使我们能以敬虔和诚实的方式过上安静和平的生活。

Putting Prayer In Its Proper Place

This is not a good time in the world, there is a lot going on and it is going to get worse. Recent events in Afghanistan have shown how vulnerable the so-called Christian nations are. Have they been complacent, undoubtedly, the answer is YES.


Let’s look at this from a biblical view, I do not have a political axe to grind, although I feel my own country, has not come out of this smelling of roses.


The children of Israel were and are Gods chosen people, they have had God’s hand on them from earliest times and yet God has had to deal very harshly with them, because of their rebellion, stubbornness and idolatry.


First of all, we need to realize that there is no nation, that is above God. The children of Israel were and are God’s special possession, the UK, my own land, was used to bring the gospel to the world, Germany was the birthplace of the reformation and now the USA is the heart of world mission, and the Chinese church is probably the largest Christian entity in the world.


Whatever blessing’s God has given in the past, does not mean anything now. We are to continue our walk with God. No nation can rest on its laurels, Psalm 2 is a graphic picture of God’s view of the Nations, he laughs at their plans, foolish is the nation who thinks they can shut God out and get away with it. How many nations have done that?


Like the children of Israel, it is easy to promise much and to do little. The children of Israel pledged allegiance to God in Joshua 24, but in a few years, they were whoring and chasing after other gods. They were told to instruct their children, they were told to write the laws of God all over their houses, why did the future generations not learn the laws and statutes of God?


Is it the same with us? Someone once said Christianity is one generation away from death. We have to teach our children, fathers and mothers, this is your responsibility, it is not the responsibility of the church youth group or your pastor, surely, we need to get back to the family altar. Many JW families and I disagree with them intensely, but they put emphasis on the family altar, why don’t we.


Not only have we taken prayer out of the home, but we have taken it out of the church, the church prayer meeting is the least attended meeting of the week. We pray for things that aren’t important, let me explain. Years ago, at my church, an old lady of 95 had a cold, 5 people prayed for her in the prayer meeting, I had a prayer request for the Persecuted church, I ended up praying for that myself. If we come together to pray, then let’s pray. We have prayer breakfasts, but we won’t pray before we have eaten, let me challenge you with this, don’t eat until you finish storming heaven.


Prayer has been removed from homes and churches and now schools, when I went to school, we had assembly, we sang a hymn, the Gideons came round giving out NT, I’ve still got mine.


If you pray at school, you are laughed at, it is something that is looked down on, unless you are Muslim or Hindu and praying to some false deity, we have to give other religions an opening after all, give them an opening and they will take a mile. What Did God say to the Israelites, have nothing to do with these false religions.


So, it spreads from homes to churches to schools and then to society in general. We cry about the injustices in society and sure there are many, where is the voice of the believers, even more, where is the voice of the church crying out in anguish and pain to our Father in heaven.


All this leads to the state we are in now; we are crying about Afghanistan; it is a terrible stain on all the countries of the west. But this is the return, when so called Christian nations turn their backs on God and think they can get away with it. When God sent the children of Israel into exile, he shamed them publicly before their enemies. Jerusalem, the royal city, the city of the temple was broken down, please read the book of Lamentations, read the pain in the prophet Jeremiah’s words, the agony he is under for his people. Let me ask you, you see what is happening to America, Uk, Canada etc., do you weep like him?


We are in a sorry state but there is hope in all this, God restored his people, He will save a remnant of His people, He brought people like Nehemiah, Ezra and others to bring back life to Jerusalem. Ultimately, He sent Jesus to redeem us and to transform our lives, there is hope for us, but only if we turn in repentance and faith to the Lord. You know the scriptures, you know what to do, so why is it so difficult to do it?


To the countries who are watching the situation in Afghanistan and are either pointing the finger or smugly saying, it’s your own fault or are even helping the Taliban. God sees what you are doing. People like Moab and others looked smugly on when Judah was exiled, these countries were punished and those who do it now, will be punished also.


There is hope, but we need to put prayer first in the home, then in the church, then in our schools, then and only then will we produce men and women, who like Daniel said know their God and are able to exploits.


Enough of this, we need to take action, here are some ways, you and I can take action:


Turn off the TV, switch off your cell phone and computer and spend an hour or so in prayer and bible study.


Establish or re-establish the family altar in your home.


If your son/daughter is of school/college/university age, pray for that campus and get other Christian parents to do the same.


Establish a prayer meeting in your home to pray for the nations.


You may have other ideas, get your church involved.


Time is short, we need to put prayer back in its proper place, it should be the first place, we go to, prayer seems so obvious, but it seems to be the hardest thing to do, we have so many distractions.


How can we know God, by being still, be being quiet, prayer is not about us, it’s about God’s glory.


Oswald chambers said:


Prayer does not fit us for the greater work: prayer is the greater work


Dl Moody said:


Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.


Prayer is weakness leaning on omnipotence.


Nehemiah, Ezra, Josiah, the list goes on, revival starts when God’s people pray, nay when even one person prays.


Maybe that person, is you?


God bless you.


About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is [email protected] Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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  1. Keith,
    Well done my friend. Great job, especially about prayer being taken out of so many places.
    I too as a child remember things were so different than today.
    Thank you,
    God BLess~

  2. thanks cd

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