Home / Entertainment / Five Faith-Based Hollywood Movies To Debut In The Fall

Five Faith-Based Hollywood Movies To Debut In The Fall

After the huge success of “I Can Only Imagine” Hollywood has embarked upon producing five more faith-based motion pictures. All but one, not yet announced, are scheduled for release in September and October. The movies are:

  1. “God Bless The Broken Road” is about a military widow, debuting September 7th.
  2. “Unbroken: Path To Redemption” covers the life of Louis Zamperini and his life-changing encounter with the late Billy Graham. This movie has its initial showing on September 14th.
  3.  “Indivisible” features the life of army chaplain Darren Turner. It will make its debut on October 26th.
  4. “Palau the Movie” follows the life of Luis Palau, to be released sometime in October.
  5. “Staines” is a true story of missionary Graham Staines. No scheduled debut of this has yet been announced.(Source: Jeanne Law, Christian Post Reporter)

At a time when so many people, both Christians and within the secular culture, are sensing a buildup in world conditions and events culminating in something historically catastrophic on a global scale, people are looking for hope. These movies will also provide a refreshing reprieve from the kind of films to which the culture has become so accustomed.

I do not view having five faith-based movies all at the same time a coincidence. With all the fulfilled prophecies of the last days, the gospel will go forth, anyway it can. Though I am sure that the Hollywood producers are in it only for the money, they don’t realize to what extent they are helping to advance the Kingdom of God.  God uses the ungodly to proclaim His message.

Churches all across America and other parts of the world where these movies will be viewed need to rally around them. Let’s show Hollywood that there is a desire and a need for these types of pictures. May Christians come out in full force. Youth pastors can use them as a witnessing opportunity. Cancel church youth activities and go to the movies. Ask them to invite their non-Christian friends. Pay their way. Pastors, let your people know. Churches need to take full advantage of this opportunity to counter the messages of the secular culture. As Christians, let’s all rise to the occasion “in the furtherance of the gospel” (Philippians 2:22).

What follow-up questions might you ask a non-Christian who may attend one of more of these movies with the goal of having them make a decision for Christ?

About John Clark

John Livingston Clark is 75 years of age and lives in central Washington State (USA). He majored in vocal music at San Diego State University. He is also a graduate of Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon (USA). He went into the writing field at the age of 50 to pursue his dream of becoming a published author. He has the pleasure of using his God-given gift of writing to write articles for the bottom line ministries. His articles can also be read on www.faithwriters.com.

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One comment

  1. Hi John, thanks for keeping us up to date about God-themed movies. I agree with you 100% that God is using all avenues to present His message to the people. He is using His servants more than ever. The prophets are seeing God moving in mighty ways in the media and entertainment cultures. What an exciting time to be alive!

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