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The New Song We Sing-Meredith Andrews

Meredith Andrews released the song “The New Song We Sing” on the album “Invitation” on April 29, 2008. She created the song from the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:17-19:

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.  Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation,  namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.”

Her message to the Body of Christ in the song is that Jesus Christ died for us on Calvary and reconciled us to God. All those who are in Christ have become new creations. We come to the Father in Jesus and we have been redeemed not because we are perfect but because of God’s grace.

We should not feel inadequate or bound to sin before God because Jesus has set us free from sin when He became sin for us on Calvary. Meredith encourages us to celebrate our freedom from sin in her song. Every believer is encouraged to sing a new song in their heart and live that new song everyday of their life. Being a Child of God is a great cause for celebration and if we let the Holy Spirit He will fill us with His joy that knows no bounds.

A lyric in the song tells us of God’s marvelous love and grace extended toward us in Jesus: “You are the God who reconciles the wayward heart through Christ.”  When we were yet sinners and alienated from God He reconciled our wayward hearts to Him. God’s love is so great for us that despite the fact we rebelled against Him; He still loved us and lavishly poured His grace  out on us in Christ. This, Children of God is a reason to celebrate and tell the world about Christ.

Lyrics for “The New Song We Sing:

You are the God who reconciles the wayward heart through Christ
The old has gone the new has come
We are reconciled by love
We are reconciled by love

And this is the new song we sing
To the king of heaven
This is the new song we bring
After all You’ve given
We stand before You redeemed
As Your children
This is the new song we sing

We who were once so far away are brought nearby Your blood
The barrier has been destroyed
By Your grace we freely come
By Your grace we freely come

We live in You
We live for You
We live to You our King
We stand in You
We stand for You
We stand as Your redeemed
Your redeemed!

So start singing a new song to the Lord today!

Do you have a new song in your heart for God today?



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