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Chosen To Serve In Love

Acts 6:2 And the twelve called together the whole community of the disciples and said, “It is not right that we should neglect the word of God in order to wait on tables.”

The Hellenists complained against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food. Hellenist widows were apparently being overlooked in the distribution of resources whilst the Hebrews widows were being supported. This was not a sign of prejudice on the part of the Apostles, but rather was due simply to an administrative oversight. Clearly, the Apostles could not effectively teach and care for the material needs of the people at the same. The Twelve wisely called the church to appoint qualified men to take care of the physical needs of the church so that they could be free to focus on the spiritual needs of the people.

Colossians 3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.

The men chosen to serve food to the neglected widows, did not rebuke or scoff the appointment. In fact, they embraced their work with a sense of solemnity and responsibility. It was a privilege to serve for the honor of the LORD. All work offered to the LORD and done for His glory is holy work. Regardless of the task at hand.

John 21:9 As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.

John 21:13 Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise.

Serving is of no less importance that preaching and teaching. Our Lord attended to the physical needs of His followers often. In fact on many occasions we witness Jesus doing this first, before He taught. His humble acts of preparing and serving a meal set an example so that we might follow in His steps.

2 Peter 3:18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Growth in the knowledge of Jesus, will manifest itself in a greater outpouring of love for our neighbor. If we do not love others, we are fooling ourselves that we are in Christ and growing in our understanding of what He asks of His disciples (1 John3:16-17). Knowledge of Jesus and His ways is good, but unless it is played out in the daily warp and woof of our lives, it is only knowledge that puffs us up, having no useful value and edification for others (1 Corinthians 8:1). That is not the love Christ practiced. His love met people in their deepest place of need and intermingled with them so that they were made better for knowing and experiencing Him. This is the love all true Christians hunger for. This is the love that serves sacrificially and leaves people thirsty for a love that truly transforms.

Growing in the love and the graces of the Lord Jesus Christ enables us to love others in the same way that our Savior has loved us. This is a laying down of our life love. A denying of ourselves kind of love. It is the love that changes both us and others. But it cannot be conjured up instantly. It is a love that grows over time maturing into a beautiful gift that catches us by surprise and brings great encouragement and blessing to others.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

We are vessels being handcrafted by the Master Creator. Vessels to bring honor and glory to His name through the service of good works, which are loving Father has hand-chosen for each of us to do throughout our time of service for Him on this earth. Imagine that! God knows every good work He has appointed for each of His children to do and is preparing our hearts and minds to fulfill His purpose. He crafts our will and skill so that we are able to do the service He wants! May His love continue to shape us so that we will give of ourselves in ways that simply astound us. We are each made fit by His special grace for the special service He chooses for us, so that God alone receives the glory.

‘If there are traces of Christ’s love-artistry upon me,
may he work on with his divine brush
until the complete image be obtained
and I be made a perfect copy of him, my Master.’
(The Love of Jesus, Puritan Prayer – The Valley of Vision – Arthur Bennett)

Heavenly Father, my love is like frost and cold, ice and snow. May Your love warm me so that there is a glowing, fervent love that burns within me for Jesus and for my neighbor. Make me fruitful by living in that love, so that my character becomes more beautiful every day. Amen.’

About Jennifer Woodley

Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who lives in a small rural town in sunny Queensland. She is passionate about encouraging others on their journey with Christ through writing and mentoring. Jennifer is a school chaplain, wife, mother of three adult sons and loving grandma of one adorable grandson. More of her writing can be found at www.inhisname6.com and www.faithwriters.com.

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One comment

  1. Jennifer,
    Amen! Beautifully written and expressed.
    Thank you for sharing with us.
    God Bless~

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