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Delivered From Roaring Flames~

Psalm 32:7 – Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.

God is always with me; I know that and have since a young child being raised in the Christian faith. And along the way, during my youth, teen years, and through the decades of my life, He was always there. I felt and sensed His Presence. Some days were crystal clear. Some days, He was a shadow, or a slight breeze across my cheek. The important thing to note, is that He was always there, and still is. And this past weekend His Presence and saving arm of grace was with me, my husband and our little fur baby Mickey, in a powerfully moving and emotional day.

It started out as any other typical day for us. Had our breakfast and needed to get some items at the grocery store. So, into the car we went. Mickey enthusiastically barking and wagging his tail with great anticipation of the ride. I was the driver this time around.

Well not even 5 minutes into the ride going through the streets, we smelled an overpowering stench of gasoline/fuel.  Alarmed, I looked at my husband and said, “My gosh, what the heck is that smell?”  Before he could respond the car lost its power. I accelerated no power at all. I was on a busy route, and I remember hearing my husband say, “steer it over to the guard rail, hurry.” I did so. Then suddenly a popping sound, and flames engulfed from under the car onto my husband’s door.  He yelled, “Get out, get out.”  I felt something pushing me out the door, and a voice saying run! Run! Run!”   I found myself down the road barely seconds into the time of escaping the car, then suddenly, a loud sound and full combustion of the car!

It was as they say, “surreal.”  God’s grace and hands were there. His Presence all around. The moment although traumatic, wasn’t too bad because He was there with us. It was a cold and dank morning, and I felt numb, yet peaceful. And so blessed, and so thankful for His saving grace. And the fact that it wasn’t our time yet. But there He was again!  My loving God, saving, protecting and comforting. Delivering us from the flames of death, protecting us, delivering us to safety. Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

He was our shield right there that moment in time. Our shield, our Rock, our fortress. I can’t sing enough praises to Him, and I am so grateful for His love and His mercy. Psalm 3:3 -“But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.”

All I could think of at that moment was we were under His Wings of protection. His faithfulness our shield, His love our armor. Psalm 91-3 “He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

The prolific and powerful Word of the LORD was there in my mind and heart. I will always sing of His strength. I will sing of His love. And I will always recall with gratitude and thanksgiving, that He is my refuge in time of trouble, and every other second in between. Psalm 59:16 But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.

Oh, and one final thing that is truly noteworthy. God even planned the perfect spot for us to get to. It was on that route, against the guard rail, away from the residential area we had been riding through moments earlier, that could have been disastrous had that happened. Children, people, animals, homes…yes you get the picture?  Also, had we made it home it could have combusted and perhaps set fire to our home, or neighbors’ home.  So again, praise God!

And special thanks to the firefighters who came within minutes to put out the blazing car. And to the police officer who helped us and offered a drive home. Amazing, God Bless these individuals, and protect them always during their daily encounters helping others, selflessly, and all the days of their lives, Amen!

But the biggest applause and shout goes out to “LORD GOD” my amazing, amazing King of kings, and LORD of lords. To You be the glory!

“Father, LORD GOD, we are thankful and so beyond blessed for Your divine intervention on our behalf, and we give You all the glory and praise, now and forever, we love You, in Jesus’ Amen.”


C D SWANSON is an Author of 22 plus books, freelance writer, contributor to various websites, including The Bottom Line Ministries/Faith News. She's an active member of Faithwriters- and has her online website/ministry for over 15 years. It is her greatest joy to write what’s in her heart, and thus her favorite form of expression is in her devotionals. She and her husband share a deep love of God and dote on their fur baby Mickey. Retired Director from Long Term Healthcare Industry, she continues to be an advocate for many. To check out other writings of this author you can go here:

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  1. Some are chosen to go through the fire,
    Whether figuratively or literally
    Something we would not desire,
    if we had a choice
    But He is there with us personally,
    just listen for His voice.

    Sheltered under His wing
    We may discover that our suffering
    Is a way of an offering,
    Letting Him see if we are trusting
    In His keeping.

    Grateful that you shared your fiery experience with us and the ways in which it was planned out in such a way that through the tragic circumstances it was under His control that caused you to recognize His presence and deliverance

  2. Hello Cora,

    Wow, that was simply beautiful! Thank you for your lovely words, and for your encouragement.

    Always happy to see your comments, for all the writers.

    Have a blessed night~

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