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Experiencing God’s Presence

This is the second in a series of articles discussing the 6 “P” words: God’s protection, presence, peace, power, purpose, and promises. With the world experiencing so much lawlessness, it is comforting to know that Christians have a divine presence wherever we go. Psalm 121:8 says “the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in.” Then in Isaiah 41:10 we read, “Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God.”

How exactly is God’s presence with us all the time? Christians have the Holy Spirit living within us. Soon after Jesus ascended to the Father, he gave the Holy Spirit to all believers. Acts 2:4 records that the disciples “were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” All believers from then until now have God’s Holy Spirit living within them, as stated in First Corinthians 6:19. “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?” The presence of the Spirit is with us in times of need, trouble, danger, heartaches, and the unexpected things of life.

Christians can also come into God’s presence through being thankful. Psalm 95:2 says, “Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.” What is the result? “In his presence is fullness of joy”(Psalm 16:11). Think on that for a moment! You can have joy in the midst of this troubled world.

Through the course of daily work, family, and pleasure, experiencing God’s presence can be done in many ways: reading and reflecting on the Bible, prayer, listening to worshipful music, enjoying the quiet of nature, or taking in his wondrous creation. We can also enter his presence through God’s “throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and grace to help in time of need,” at just the right time.

God’s presence is in the life of Christians continually, but it takes discipline in getting away from the noise, distractions, and busyness of daily living, to bask in his presence. When we do that, we will have joy and peace. Peace is the subject of the next article.

About John Clark

John Livingston Clark is 75 years of age and lives in central Washington State. He has written two published books, and five published poems. His initial book is called, " God's Healing Hope: Breaking the Strongholds of Wrong Thinking." His second book is a motivational book written to seniors titled, " Seniors: Are You Retiring or Recharging?" Both books are available on amazon. You can also view his writings on faithwritersjohnclark, where his “Poem For Senior Citizens” is in the top 100 posts.

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