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Kingdom Connection

John 17:16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

Disconnecting from the world and connecting with the LORD, is a joy that I will never get over, nor would I want to!  How do I personally disconnect from the world? For me it’s easy, because I want to grow closer to Him on a daily basis, and the way I choose to do that is by “limiting” my time with the world, and all that implies.

First of all, I limit my time with electronic devices. For me, that’s easy, as I’m not a fanatic with my cell phone. Truth is, I really don’t enjoy texting, (sorry friends and family, I really don’t!) And I don’t relish watching depressing news, or reading random articles that jump across my computer screen soliciting info that is of no interest to me whatsoever. Nope, none of that interests me.

Disconnecting from the world is a delight I engage in quite regularly. The way I see it is, I can either fill myself with worldly entertainment, or indulge in the LORD’s wisdom, while serving Him to the best of my ability, on a path that I hope is pleasing to Him and Him alone.

When the LORD tells us not to, “love the world and the things in it” I feel He is saying, we are not to “love worldliness in an unrighteous way. We are to love Him above all else. And yes, we’re able to enjoy ourselves in pursuit of this thing called life. But not in a way that we lose ourselves with empty temptations of the world or what it has to offer.

After all, the LORD said, in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. “And it pertains to both here and now, along with our eternal rewards. So yes, while we can enjoy our life here on earth, don’t get caught up with “all the superficial” pomp and circumstance, or the sharp tentacles of the world that can erode our souls, if we’re not careful. Keep your eyes focused on the LORD, and then watch what happens when you do.

Matthew 6:33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Have you connected with the LORD recently?

“LORD, may I be connected to You in all I do, today and always in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


C D SWANSON is an Author of 22 plus books, freelance writer, contributor to various websites, including The Bottom Line Ministries/Faith News. She's an active member of Faithwriters- and has her online website/ministry for over 15 years. It is her greatest joy to write what’s in her heart, and thus her favorite form of expression is in her devotionals. She and her husband share a deep love of God and dote on their fur baby Mickey. Retired Director from Long Term Healthcare Industry, she continues to be an advocate for many. To check out other writings of this author you can go here:

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