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Tackling the Guilt Monster

Tackling the Guilt Monster

By Joel B.

Isaiah 43:25 I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.

Have you ever prayed and felt like it just wasn’t good enough? Maybe you felt like God wasn’t listening or you didn’t say the right words? There was no real feeling of relief. It’s like you never even prayed at all. Well my friends, this is one of the enemy’s tricks. You see, the Lord has promised us that once he blots out our transgressions, He forgets them.

Our enemy, Satan, is an accuser. In fact, in Rev 12:10 he is titled, “the accuser of the brethren.” It’s a silly game he plays because it works on some people. Of course James 4:7 tells us all we have to do is resist this coward and he will flee from us. Just keep in mind that if you don’t resist, he will try to sink his claws further into you and make you feel worse.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

God loves you. He’s not looking to bring you down. He may lovingly correct you at times, but this doesn’t mean He is keeping track of all your sins and trying to make you feel shameful. He wants you lifted up. We are even told in Eph 2:6 that He has made us to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That is a very powerful statement!

So, whenever you pray you can be assured that the Lord has heard you call out to Him. You can be assured that your requests for forgiveness have been answered. Finally, you can be assured that the Lord wants you to move forward with your life and not focus on the mistakes you have made in the past. Sure it’s important to learn from mistakes, but it’s not really learning if all they do is bring guilt and shame. May God bless you.

About Joel Bauer

Joel M. Bauer is a 49-year-old U.S. Army Veteran from Dunn, NC, which is just outside of Raleigh. After being honorably discharged from the U.S. Army, he attended school at Taylor University, a Christian liberal arts school, in Fort Wayne, IN, where he received his BS in social work and psychology. He has worked in such places as a homeless shelter, a community based treatment center for severe mental illnesses, a school for troubled students, and other social service agencies. His current endeavor is to build The Bottom Line website into a site that inspires both Christians and non-Christians alike, and brings glory to God.

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  1. A great message,Joel. God is mightier than Satan and his subtle tactics. God has the victory. When we stick close to God, we know we are victorious, too. God is for us and always answers prayer. Satan knows his time is short and he will do everything he can to sabotage our love for God. He has already lost and he knows it.

  2. So true the words spoken in this post Joel.

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