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The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

As some of the world celebrates Valentine’s Day, the greatest love story ever told is that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life”(John 3:16). Jesus came down from his heavenly throne manifested as the baby born in Bethlehem to offer grace and redemption for our sins.

The God that Christians worship and serve is the God of love. This is expressed in Romans 8:35-38. “Who shall separate us from the love of God? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?…Neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” These are, indeed, words of comfort and encouragement for these very difficult times.

If you are poor and needy, and have no person to help you with your physical or emotional needs, God “delivers the needy when he calls, the poor and him who has no helper”(Psalm 72:12).

God’s love is steadfast. The word “steadfast” is mentioned over 100 times in the Psalms. It means that God will always give more grace and forgiveness for those who call upon him.

Our culture today is living in fear, and some religions serve a god of fear. People have no idea how much the God of Christianity loves them. God’s love can be exhibited to the world through the 30 attributes listed in Romans 12 and I Corinthians 13, too numerous to list here. (Read it for yourself). As Christians, let’s pass along the greatest love story ever told to those who need to hear it the most.

About John Clark

John Livingston Clark is 74 years of age and lives in central Washington State. He has written two published books, and two published poems. His initial book is called, " God's Healing Hope: Breaking the Strongholds of Wrong Thinking." His second book, released in December of 2016, is a motivational book written to seniors titled, " Seniors: Are You Retiring or Recharging?" Both books are available on amazon. You can also view his writings on www.faithwriters.com. His “Poem For Senior Citizens” is in the 5th spot on FW.

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  1. Hello TBL Faith News,

    My name is Ise, and I enjoy your videos and the biblical truth they say. I really respect you a lot! I’m just turned 16 years old a few days ago, and I want to make a difference in the spiritual realms through my prayers. I want to be an extremely dangerous threat to Satan and the kingdom of darkness, and be known in hell. I want to ask God to send his angels to fight for me to defeat powers and principalities, all for Christ’s glory. I wanted to ask, how can I do this? How can I cause trouble in the kingdom of darkness and make Satan fear me, because of who I am in Christ? How can I cast out demons, send them to the Abyss, and shake the kingdom of darkness. I ask this because I see how Satan causes so much trouble in our world through entertainment and other industries, and I want to win many souls for Christ and be a threat to him. I want to be the strongest prayer warrior in the kingdom of God, and fulfill my purpose. I’d really appreciate an answer. Thanks!


    Iseoluwa Adedipe

    • Ise, thank you for sharing and for your openness. Realize that Satan is the great liar and deceiver. Tell Satan how much God loves you. You have been declared righteous by God, and justified by faith in Jesus. Read Ephesians 6:10-20 and apply it to your life. Cast away Satanic influences by speaking out loud, “In the mighty name of Jesus, depart from me.”

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