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Victorious In Battles On Our Knees

Judges 5:7 The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel.

The Bible doesn’t really get into great details or specifics about Deborah. She is referred to as a prophetess, and a highly recognized and esteemed judge of Israel, and she was the wife of Lappidoth. There is a cloudy line and a certain amount of ambiguity attached to the meaning of calling her “A mother in Israel” (Judges 5:7). Does that title mean she had children? Or that she cared for her “mother land Israel” as a loving mother will care for her children?

In this maze of reflection, we do know that God chose her to become a judge, and that God has reasons for everything. It may have seemed odd to those in that culture and time for a woman to be a Judge, as it was historically appointed to men. But judge she was and brave as can be, going and leading the men into battle behind her. She was victorious through the LORD!

What we do know unequivocally is that Deborah loved God and served Him faithfully, fully and unconditionally. And we know that she garnered great respect from others, and with that respect came a high amount of trust. It was said that even Barak, the commander of the army respected her leadership without any doubt.

Deborah’s role and courage in the way she lived, is a fine example for the women (and men) in today’s times as well. Considering Deborah and the circumstances, I believe what God is saying to us is that it doesn’t take a complete set of “credentials” to become an effective servant of God. Instead, God wants a loyal heart and follower, one who adheres to His will and quests. And one who listens to “all” He has to say, while surrendering to Him always. Deborah made sure she was always available to God, and that is what made her victorious in the end!

It’s not much different today. God will go before us in all circumstances. He will lead us to victory each and every time, if we are with Him fully. That means our entire mind, body, heart and soul. And be with Him in our love and our trust. Putting Him first.

When we are jutted against the enemy in a mighty spiritual battle, we need the LORD to help us. If we want a huge win every time…then get down on knees in prayer. When we are having a spiritual battle waging within, drop to your knees and cry in earnest. He knows your heart and knows the truth in what you feel and say before you feel it or say it.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places

He is our source of Life, and He is the breath of our soul.

Life and breath go hand-in-hand. Without breath there isn’t life. Without life there isn’t breath. God is Life. God is our breath.

Job 33:4 The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.


“Father, thank You for letting me be victorious through Christ in all my battles on earth, You are the breath that gives me life, and you are my LIFE, may I always recognize who leads the army I am a soldier in, and may I cry out to You in all I do, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


C D SWANSON is an Author of 22 plus books, freelance writer, contributor to various websites, including The Bottom Line Ministries/Faith News. She's an active member of Faithwriters- and has her online website/ministry for over 15 years. It is her greatest joy to write what’s in her heart, and thus her favorite form of expression is in her devotionals. She and her husband share a deep love of God and dote on their fur baby Mickey. Retired Director from Long Term Healthcare Industry, she continues to be an advocate for many. To check out other writings of this author you can go here:

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  1. I sometimes wonder why God chose not to let us know more about people of the Bible, just like Deborah, than He did. We are a curious bunch and always want to know all we can about a person in the Bible. There are a plethora of novels out there that do just this. But all those ideas and details are often not scriptural. God told us all we need to know about Deborah and nothing that we don’t. From the little we glean from Scripture about Deborah, we actually learn a lot. Thank you for writing about who she was Camille; namely a courage woman who trusted in the Lord. This is all we need to know! May we be valiant in the spiritual battle that rages around us as Deborah was in the battle that faced her.

  2. Thank you, Jennifer, and very good points. God gives us what we “need” to know, I guess. I don’t know the reason for it, but as you said just enough for us to see the overall piece of the chapter and the individual. Yes, she was courageous, for sure! Amazing women, and quick mind and resourceful.
    Thanks for your input, always enjoy hearing your thoughts and views.
    God Bless~

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