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Only God Can Make A Way

Isaiah 43:19  Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

This is a true story, concerning my friends, that showcases the provision of God when we have just about given up all hope. Perhaps it will be an inspiration to the reader to keep believing, keep trusting and keep going when our circumstances become desperate, and we grow despondent. We serve a God who is able to do exceedingly more than we can imagine, making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Greg skimmed through the ‘Open Homes’ section of the paper and found a house that caught his eye. ‘How about this?’ he asked Sue, as she placed a coffee before him.

‘Hmm’ she said with a cursory look at the advertisement. Sue was well and truly tired of looking at open homes that never opened up an opportunity for them to purchase. ‘You tell me about it darling, I’m making dinner.’

Greg kept reading, absorbed with the details. ‘Sue, it looks promising. How about we drive over to Sandy Point this afternoon? The house is open between 2.00 and 3.00 pm. We might be surprised.’

The cul-de-sac was crammed with cars. Nosy neighbors, genuine house-hunters and curious onlookers, who had nothing better to do on a sunny Sunday afternoon, disembarked from their cars and flocked towards the front door of 5 Headland Crescent. By the time Greg and Sue arrived the house inspection was in full swing.

Greg stepped aside as four children almost bowled him over in the front entry. A couple were measuring up the lounge room to see if their sofa would fit in neatly. A few teenagers, who Greg perceived hadn’t had a wash lately, were hanging out in the kitchen chatting on their phones, and the agent was busy ensuring that two little boys didn’t jump on the handmade queen-sized quilt in the master bedroom.

At closing time, the crowd milled their way to the front door and back to their cars. Only Greg and Sue remained, relieved to have a few final minutes to take in the ambience of the home, without distractions.

What do you think?’ asked Tammy, the sales agent, as she made her way to them, smiling warmly.

‘We just love it’ Sue replied. ‘It’s just what we’re after. Greg and I are finally agreeing on a house. Though we were not the only people who liked it. There seemed to be a lot of interest and enthusiasm just now.’

The agent nodded in agreement as they walked out. The owners, right on time, drove up the drive. Tammy introduced them to Sue and Greg. For a few minutes, they exchanged pleasantries. Greg complimented them on a well-presented home and thanked them sincerely for the opportunity to inspect.

‘What do you think is our best offer Greg?’ Sue asked later as they enjoyed dinner together.

‘Well honey, I’ve been talking to God about this ever since we drove away from that house today, and I just know He says, not to pay any more than the asking price for it. Don’t know why, because we could go a little higher.’

Greg phoned Tammy the next day. ‘Sorry, Greg there has been three offers from the inspection yesterday and yours is the lowest. I don’t think you’ll have much luck.’

‘Well, that’s our best price.’ he replied. ‘We’re going to stick with that figure.’

Okay, I’ll be in touch, but I don’t like your chances.’ Tammy said gravely.

The following morning, as Sue was praying, the phone on the wall in the kitchen shattered the morning peace. ‘Yes, oh hello Tammy, thanks for calling back. How did our offer stand?’

Tammy said nothing at first. Perhaps she is considering how to break the news gently, thought Sue.

‘Well Sue,’ she began, ‘the owners had five offers in the end. Yours was the lowest by far. But amazingly enough, they have decided to accept yours. It just doesn’t make sense to me. But there you are. Congratulations.’

Tears of gratitude filled Sue’s eyes. God had been good. Again. ‘Thank you, Tammy, Greg will be overjoyed. We asked God to show us the right price and He has proven that our meager offer was enough. Please thank the owners on our behalf. We’ll be in touch with you once the contract is drawn up.’

Greg and Sue sat in what was soon to be their new lounge room, talking with Matt and Anne. ‘Out of curiosity, we were wondering why you chose our offer over the others.’

Matt looked intently at them and said, ‘We are not religious people, Greg. But when we met you both in our driveway for just a few minutes, we heard a voice say to each of us very clearly, “These are the new owners of your home. Open the way for them”. We both felt it was right to be true to the voice we heard. Perhaps there is a God after all.’ Matt joked and laughed out loud.

However, Sue and Greg were not laughing. ‘That is amazing’ they said in unison.

Jeremiah 32:27 ‘Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is there any thing too hard for me?’

There is no situation in our lives that is impossible for God to deal with. None. What are you waiting upon God for just now? Where does a door need to be opened? Stay hopeful, stay praying, stay waiting. A miracle may be moments away.

 ‘The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me;
thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever:
forsake not the works of thine own hands.’
Psalm 138:8


About Jennifer Woodley

Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who lives in a small rural town in sunny Queensland. She is passionate about encouraging others on their journey with Christ through writing and mentoring. Jennifer is a school chaplain, wife, mother of three adult sons and loving grandma of one adorable grandson. More of her writing can be found at www.inhisname6.com and www.faithwriters.com.

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  1. Jennifer,
    Thank you for sharing this beautifully inspiring story with us.
    Such an encouraging message.
    Blessings to you

  2. Jep I never knew this was the story of how they got their house ..so faithful is our god !!

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