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Moving Works – With Kristin Schroder: An Interview

I recently had the enormous opportunity and pleasure to interview Kristin Schroder, super talented Film Producer /Communications of Moving Works. Kristin has many callings and gifts from the LORD.  She has practical ministry experience with missionaries in Japan, to a plant church in Boston. Kristin is a woman of strong faith, and applies it daily through her work, her alignment with God and her overall vision in producing films and digital communications. All of which represent, exalt and honor God.

Without further ado, let’s delve into the interesting interview with Kristin- I’ll let her tell her story and the story behind Moving Works. I haven’t any doubt that you will be as inspired as I was with her responses, and her promotion of God, first and foremost!  May it bless you as much as it did me.

CD –Can you please share with our readers a brief overview of your Ministry – Moving Works?

KS: We are a filmmaking ministry that captures cinematic stories of real-life faith in Christ around the world. Since the ministry began in 2012, we’ve traveled to 14+ countries and have met remarkable people who have been transformed by Jesus. Our desire in documenting and sharing their stories is two-fold: we want to reveal God and how He powerfully works, and we want to serve and encourage Christ’s global church. Along with stories, we also produce scripted short films that speak to the truth of Scripture and are visually poetic in nature. These films help encourage the viewer to consider the beautiful truth of God’s word and think about it in a unique way. All of our films are freely available for anyone to watch, share, and use in discipleship. But I don’t want to forget to mention our “why”, which is really important to us! We do this work because God is worthy of it. Making films is our act of worship, and it is such a gift to worship Him together with the body of Christ around the world.

CD: Powerful and truly worthwhile what your company represents, and I love thinking of Christian films that way – ‘an act of worship’, that’s beautiful. Which scriptures have been foundational in shaping the themes and messages of your Movies?

KS: One passage that has been foundational for us as a ministry is Psalm 105:1, “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” Our films aren’t meant to proclaim a person, a ministry, or us as the filmmakers, but rather they are meant to proclaim God’s name above all to the world. So, this verse has really cemented our desire to make every film about Jesus and what He has done. It’s also fueled our desire to film in different countries, cultures, and contexts around the world so we can share the hope of Christ among the nations.

CD: Psalm 105:1 – one of my favorite verses, and it certainly is what you are doing as a whole with your company. What measures do you take to ensure that your work honors God and edifies those of your faith driven audience?

KS: In our work, it’s vital that we abide in Christ. No matter what kind of work you do, that is the call from Jesus Himself, right? He calls us to abide in Him so that we will bear much fruit. Apart from him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5) So, we pray a lot! We are very dependent on the Spirit of God to keep us walking in step with Him and His heart as we work. We also have a morning devotional time every day of the week, which helps us center our thoughts and our hearts on God before we do anything else. Once a month, we take half a day for devoted prayer. And as best we can, we continually encourage one another to walk with the Lord in all of life. Of course, we aren’t perfect, and it can be difficult at times to navigate how to honor God and serve others best, but that’s the wonderful thing about walking with Jesus…he invites us to trust him again and again.

CD: Oh, I am so touched by the spiritual aspect your company endorses and practices. Can you share an experience where you had to make a tough creative decision to stay true to Biblical principles?

KS: There are a few times where we’ve gone to great lengths to make a short film, just to discover that we won’t be able to release it. There are various reasons why that might be the case, but it’s in those moments when we have to remember our “why”. Making these films is our act of worship, even if no one else gets to see it. We know that our efforts aren’t in vain or wasted…God sees all of it! At times, we’ve also chosen not to film certain moments or scenes based on convictions, or out of a desire to honor someone above getting “the shot”. We never regret following those convictions, and we’d rather honor the Lord and be ok with losing a shot or even a story if He asks it of us. Ultimately, this requires us to hold everything with open hands and trust that God knows what we need better than we do.

CD: Your company is truly aligning with the LORD and His word. Amazing Kristin! How has your personal walk with Christ evolved through Moving Works?

KS: When I first started at Moving Works, I had no idea how much God would work on my own heart. I came in with the mindset that I would be doing so much to help our team and serve others, and I was very outward-focused (and probably very prideful!) And while helping others is part of the ministry, I think the greater ministry has been Christ’s service towards me. God has used every part of Moving Works–the team, the day-to-day work, and the people we’ve met all over the world–to show me more of who He is and who I am. I’ve seen my sin and my weakness like never before, but I’ve also seen His grace, His power, and His love like never before. I know Jesus much more intimately than I ever have. That doesn’t mean it’s always been easy or straightforward, but my faith in Him has grown deeper with every passing year, and for that, I am extremely grateful.

CD- Amen! I love how the LORD transforms His children in spiritual growth. How do you plan to adapt your storytelling to continue spreading the Gospel in an ever-changing world?

KS: Over the last twelve years, I’m sure there are small, practical ways we’ve adapted to make our storytelling more compelling (e.g. changing the pace of films, considering different types of stories, shooting interviews or b-roll differently). Yet, while our world is always changing, God is not. He is still the best storyteller! His Gospel continues to go forth and bring people from death to life, and we’ve witnessed it over and over again, all over the world. It never gets old. So, while our visual storytelling might adapt, we want the heart of our films to always remain faithful in exalting Him: His work, His truth, His heart, His Kingdom. And even if it looks different than the world around us, we’re ok with that.

CD: Spoken like a true person of faith, so good. And finally, what advice do you have to give to those who are facing hard times, and feel discouraged about the world as it is today?

KS: There is so much I want to say in response to this question, especially since I’ve also felt discouragement and despair take over at times. Life can be difficult with all that comes at us in the world today, and we are in desperate need of God and His Kingdom. But, there is hope, friends! God really is at work, and He is doing the most remarkable things all around us. We don’t always get to see it, or maybe we’ve become too distracted to have eyes for it.

But I love the work that we do because it’s an antidote to discouragement and despair. Our films remind me that God is who He says He is, and He will be faithful to His promises. They stir up my faith and take me back to His Word, helping me to set my eyes on King Jesus and trust Him with all that I’ve got.

Recently, I’ve been so encouraged by one of our stories from Norway called “Ragnhild.” In short, it documents a young woman’s honest journey of faith through the most difficult seasons of her life. I won’t say much more, but it’s worth taking 11 minutes of your time to hear what she has to say. But most importantly, if you are in a hard season or feeling weighed down by the world today, know that God sees you. Simply ask Him to meet you where you are and remind you of who He is. Find rest in what Jesus says in John 16:33: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

CD: Your words and encouragement to others- so uplifting! I’m sure that will touch many deeply. Or perhaps even just “one person” and it will be worth it.  And Amen -There truly isn’t anything like the peace of Christ!

I have included Ragnhild video below so others may be as deeply inspired as I was! Wow! – Amazing story, amazing woman – and most of all -AMAZING LORD!

Thank you so much Kristin for taking the time to share the vision, inspirational and God infused dimensions of your company.  Your comment “an antidote to discouragement and despair” is a profound comment and one in which I emphatically agree. Your company is God led one hundred percent and walking with the LORD in all aspects, front and center.

Again, it bears repeating, I’m so blessed to have been able to interview you Kristin, and to have heard in detail all about Moving Works, and how God’s hands implement the choices and direction in which you all move. May God continue to guide you, and your entire team according to His purposes and plans.

I’d also like to thank Kristin Weber, Director of Partnerships and Distribution. She was my initial contact in Moving Works, and she graciously set things up for the interview.

God Bless you all.

Please visit MovingWorks on YouTube to view more of their faith-based films.



C D SWANSON is an Author of 22 plus books, freelance writer, contributor to various websites, including The Bottom Line Ministries/Faith News. She's an active member of Faithwriters- and has her online website/ministry for over 15 years. It is her greatest joy to write what’s in her heart, and thus her favorite form of expression is in her devotionals. She and her husband share a deep love of God and dote on their fur baby Mickey. Retired Director from Long Term Healthcare Industry, she continues to be an advocate for many. To check out other writings of this author you can go here:

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  1. What I got out of the video is that it is better to be with Jesus in the valley and in our weakness, than to climb the mountain in our own strength.

  2. Yes, John- I agree with you and echo your words. That is what I got out of it as well.
    God Bless~


  4. Jennifer Woodley

    This was an inspiring interview Camille, that has left me challenged to commit to ensuring all my work is offered as worship to our Father. Does our work proclaim the goodness of God? If not it is not genuine worship glorifying to Him. Well done my friend! This was work glorifying to our LORD. .

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