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Tag Archives: Cancer

I Met Jesus

The following is a true story I interviewed my friend, Lori. The story begins with 68-year-old John Harrison. His heart beat had stopped for 20 minutes. The nurses thought about giving up, right before the monitor showed that his heart started to pump again. After John woke up, he told ...

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The Power of Prayer

“Cast all your anxieties on Him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 A lot of times we find ourselves weighed downed because, unintentionally, we try to carry  our own issues in life. As a result we find ourselves burdened, wondering why we feel the way we do. We ...

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True Love Is Found in the Ordinary Romance

What is true love? What is it REALLY? I have a silver plaque directly above my desk and on it is written these words, “A Romantique”. I am a hopeless romantic. After all these years, after all these broken hearts, and yes, even several suicide attempts, I have come to ...

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Tea Time: Green Tea and Its Benefits

Originating in China, green tea offers many health benefits. It has been used in Japan and China for several thousand years. The popularity of green tea has increased in the West, however, due to its healthy components. What Can It Do? (1) Improved Brain Function – Theanine (an amino acid) ...

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