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Tag Archives: Hebrews

Only Jesus (Chinese/English)

Only Jesus 唯独耶稣 I have just had another birthday, life goes fast doesn’t it, the older I get the more I focus on what is truly important. 我刚刚又过了一个生日,人生如白驹过隙,转瞬即逝,不是吗?我年纪越大,就越专注于真正重要的事情。 So many things are calling for our attention, so what is important? 有那么多事情需要我们关注,那么什么才是重要的呢? Life goes very quickly; it is over in a ...

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Lesson From A Persevering Husband

Hebrews 10:35  Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath a great recompense of reward. For ye have need of endurance, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. The water pump in our car has finally breathed its last breath. After twenty years ...

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The Sword You Choose

I have many stories of my old farmhouse and raising my children inside its walls. Living in an old home comes with charms. We have stained glass windows, a built-in buffet in our dining room, and old maple trees great for climbing in our yard. While updating old windows after ...

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Moses – From Prince to Prophet

To Amram and Jochebed there was born a godly child, A prophet, a son, and upon him God certainly smiled. Moses was his name and he would become the most humble man, For God instilled this in him as part of His perfect plan. One day Pharaoh became angry and ...

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Two Reasons People Fail to Trust God

There are two reasons people fail to trust God. First, it can be born out of  hardship when you are faced with a bad situation; you can’t see how it can possibly be good. The second way is when life is going really great; it can be easy to fall ...

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