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Tag Archives: Promises

Amazing Outstanding Helper

My God is so amazing and outstanding in all things.  He is always there to rescue His children and all He asks in return is our love.  Our love. 1 John 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us Yesterday, I was in a bind with some unforeseen circumstances ...

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The Irony Of It All

Many things in life have an ironic twist to them. and knowing when it will happen are very slim. There’s a lesson to learn in everything that happens, especially when we are being distracted. When we believe that things couldn’t get any worse, we begin to think we are under ...

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His Word For Soul & His Word For All

Infinite wisdom my LORD comes from Your Word (Proverbs 2:6) I embrace and sincerely hold close all that I’ve heard. Your Word is as a lamp and does light my way (Psalm 119:105) It’s essential to listen to all of what You have to say. Your Word is forever and ...

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Foreshadows Of Joy Shining Over The Horizon

Abundant love fills my heart with yearning to follow His ways. Having Your light is essential to my inner focus of Spiritual goals, and sanctions of my very soul! I have willingly ensconced myself further into your Presence. Will I submerge into a vapid pit of nonexistence? Truly, I shall ...

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Milestones, Journeys & Life Overall

Ecclesiastes 3:6 A time to gain, and a time to lose; In life there are many milestones, if we’re fortunate enough to reach them.  My twenty-first birthday was a huge milestone I can recall vividly. My parents gave me a surprise birthday party in our backyard.  It was a beautiful ...

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