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Tag Archives: Repentance

The Little Boy And His Boat

Once there was a little boy who made a sailboat. He painstakingly carved the hull from a block of wood and then he painted it blue. He fitted it with a mast and sails. When it was finished he carried his new boat to the edge of the river. He ...

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The Rooster Will Always Crow!

Roosters have had a place in society for thousands of years. In America, they often bring thoughts of farm life in days gone by.  One imagines being awakened by their shrill crows long before the rising sun, thanks to their internal “clock.” The visitor to Key West, Florida, can watch ...

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Transformed: Repentance Is Power

Are you struggling with an issue in life that you just can’t seem to overcome? Perhaps an addiction to something? Or a bad habit like laziness? Unloving behavior? Anger control issues? There is a power residing within that allows us to overcome all the problems of the world. 1 John ...

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