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Tag Archives: sin

The Parable Of The Prodigal Son (Poem)

I still remember when I left my family that day, thinking that I could do well in my own way. Everything seemed to be going well initially. feeling I had control while spending maliciously. It was then I soon realized “me, myself, and I” had begun to take center stage ...

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“Blessed Are the Pure in Heart”

How do we purify the thoughts in our hearts? God knows that we can do it from the start. He knows every fiber of our being and when we listen to Him with meaning. Upon the event, when we have accepted Jesus, that is when God’s purity comes alive within ...

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Why I Am Not An Atheist? (Chinese/English)

PSALM 14 诗篇 14 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good. 愚顽人心里说:“没有神。”他们都是邪恶,行了可憎恶的事,没有一个人行善。 PSALM 53 诗篇 53 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is ...

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The Voice of the Savior

Over two thousand years ago, there ensued a battle for our souls. A war for the heart of all humankind, as it was tugged on by the strings of time. Knowing that time was in God’s hands, the tug of war ensued at His command. Even though the Messiah, His ...

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A Toothless Christianity

Elon Musk recently tweeted “Christianity has become toothless.” A rather odd but true statement coming from a non Christian. I don’t follow much of what this man says but in this day and age it is a rather true and timely remark.  Having teeth implies biting. Teeth are imperative in ...

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