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Why I Am Not An Atheist? (Chinese/English)


诗篇 14

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good.



诗篇 53

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good.


Why I Am Not An Atheist


When someone repeats themselves, you need to sit up and take notice.


Well in two of the wonderful psalms , God repeats himself. We have many today, who call themselves atheists, and it is to them, that I address this message.


In the Hebrew, the true meaning is:


The Fool Has Said In His Heart, No God


So, let’s get this straight, you aren’t an atheist, you are an idolater. You are someone who worships an idol, which is anything that takes the true place reserved for God and you won’t let it go.


Romans 1 verses 18-32, gives a clear outline, why people are idolaters, they love sin and they won’t let it go.


At the start, let me, pull no punches, the evidence is clear, and I wish to tell you, Why I am not an atheist, by the end of this message, you won’t be either.


First of all, I don’t believe in Chance, Atheism is strongly linked to evolution, which says that we came about through some explosion many millions of years ago.


That is like looking for a ten-dollar bill in a stack of hay, the chance of finding it is so remote, you wouldn’t waste your time even trying.



Secondly, I don’t believe in chaos, if there was an explosion, all explosion, lead to chaos, they leave everything in disorder, look at the order in the world, the earth is spinning on its axis, if it moved off its axis a small amount, we would be all burnt alive by the sun rays. We have seasons, we have order in our universe. We have order and not disorder.


Look at the evidence:


Creation and the cosmos


Atheists believe that we have slowly evolving over millions of years, that we came from monkeys or that we climbed out of the sea. Look at the beauty of creation, look at a flower, so many beautiful flowers/animals and birds, brightly coloured. Do you think, this just happened over millions of years?


Yes, I believe in intelligent design, because all designs need a designer. God created all we see around us in six literal days, He did it all, I know it astounds the mind, but our finite minds are unable to grasp this, it is almost too wonderful for words. Look at the human body, everything, we even have the most advanced waste disposal system, God thought of everything.


Look at the cosmos, it would take us 1000 years to reach the end of our galaxy flying at the speed of light, and there are many millions of galaxies, did they happen by chance?



Look at man’s conscience, man is the pinnacle of creation, he is the only one, with a moral conscience, he is capable of regret, of compassion, he/she has emotions. Again, I ask you, did these unique features come about by chance or evolve over millions of years.


Look at man’s chasing, every single people group, worships something, there are people all over the world, that worship trees, spirits, rivers and animals, why?. There are tribes in deepest China, that worship nature, everyone seeks something to worship, even so-called Atheist’s worship something, even if it is themselves!


Because they know deep inside them, that there is something else, something outside them.


Look at Man’s crisis, he surely is in trouble, the deeper he/she goes and the further we go into history, the worse it gets. History goes from one disaster, everyone worse than the last. Wars and disease are now man’s daily battle, it is like a chain weight around his neck. What disaster will it be next? Covid has surely shown man’s complete impotence, he is helpless, but still, he seeks to handle things on his/her own, he/she refuses to hand things over to God and acknowledge who God is, and that he has made a complete mess of things.


It would man would have to humble himself, and believe me, he is far too proud to do that!


Look at man’s condition, man hates the S word. He/she hates the word sin, every atheist, right at the bottom of them, will tell you, that there is no God, because they want no moral responsibility.


If there’s no God, like they argue, there is no judgement, we can live how we like, but there is a God and there is judgement Hebrews 9:27


These are the facts, look around you, look inside of you.  You have all the evidence, The uniqueness of the universe, the uniqueness of man, his utter helplessness and his deep need.


I am not an atheist, because every time, I see a flower or an animal, I see God’s hand, every time I see another human, I am reminded that they are uniquely created by God.


Why believe in something like atheism, that gives people NO HOPE?


Let’s eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die, but there is more to life.


There is a purpose and that is a God who created you and loves you.


I am a Christian, I wasn’t always a Christian, something or someone changed me. I met and know the Living God.


He is a moment-by-moment reality, it is not some religious fantasy, I know his presence, I have seen and am seeing his power, not just in my life.


In my second message, I will share Why I am a Christian.


God bless you


About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is [email protected] Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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  1. Kevin,
    So thorough! Wonderful message and post.
    Thanks for sharing
    God Bless~

  2. bless you

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