There are many beliefs and ideologies that exist today that are contrary to God’s Word. As Christians, we are often told that we are wrong, or are forced to endure as we watch as the world around us seems to be falling apart. Is this losing? Are we being beaten ...
Read More »Being Kind To Others
I read a sign in my neighbor’s back yard that said “Bee Kind”, where there were six small bunnies chasing around a bee with a lot of energy. I imagine that this neighbor might be very kind to the wild animals he sees roaming around his yard. When I meditate ...
Read More »The Problem with Coasting
Roller skating was a favorite weekend activity when I was young. Most of us hung out at the roller rink on Friday nights, one or another of our parents taking a carload of us, and dropping us off for the evening. Roller skating was popular during different decades, first in ...
Read More »Sin’s Mortality Rate
Dr. Robert Liston was a Scottish surgeon in the mid 1800’s who operated with unchallenged speed. He could amputate a limb in just a couple of minutes’ time. But like all other doctors throughout history, he had his bad days in the operating room. This is the story of his ...
Read More »Holiness Fits The Saint
Holiness fits the saint, Who has been justified by God’s righteousness through Jesus’ death and resurrection. It cost Christ Jesus His precious life, Telling God’s truth slant: Father God aggrieves over His children’s wandering in darkness of sin. Without making them holy, He can never embrace them again. ...
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