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Tag Archives: Word of God

Silly Cat…You Came To a Dogfight!

Our adversary, Satan, is often referred to as a roaring lion who prowls around seeking someone who he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Well I have a message for this cat. You came to a dogfight! The Weapons of the Enemy Let’s put things into perspective. Our enemy is fighting ...

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I Had A “Baditude”–Do You Have One?

I had a baditude.  And it was an extremely nasty one.  But I found the remedy, and I took the medicine that cured it.  I share this story with you because I have to ask, do you have one too? A baditude is pretty much what you may think it is ...

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Is It Time For You to Grow Up?

From the beginning of the Baby Boom to it’s ending, (1946-1964) an average of 7 children were born in the United States each minute rounding the number of babies born in the Boomer era to roughly 77 million. Calculating the totals, it doesn’t take much to recognize that that’s a ...

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Exploring the Boundaries of Freedom

The Creator designed us for abundant, joyous life.  Confusion over freedom often obscures that design.  In the name of freedom, we wander onto paths that rob our joy and destroy lives. We cannot have harmony in our spirit, soul and body in the midst of chaos. Christ set us free ...

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Fishers Of Men

“And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.  Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.’  They immediately left their nets and followed ...

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