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Communists Put Christians To Shame (Chinese/English)

Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers,[by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

罗马书 12: 1-2 因此,弟兄们,我恳求你们,借着上帝的怜悯,把你们的身体献上,作为活祭,圣洁,为上帝所悦纳,这就是你们的属灵崇拜。〔b〕 2 不要效法这个世界,〔c〕要因心意的更新而改变,使你们通过试炼,辨别什么是上帝的旨意,什么是良善的、可悦纳的、完美的。[四]

We had a lady who came to church quite infrequently. She moved out of Nanjing, and her son “E” came with her to church, and I shared with him.


He is now a member of CCP “Young Pioneers…”


This is what he wrote on one of his WeChat groups:


I am a member of the Chinese YP I swear under the banner of the team. I love the CCP, love the Motherland, love the people, study hard, exercise well, prepare, contribute to the cause of the CCP.


This has had a profound effect on me, as there are millions of young pioneers… millions of CCP members trapped in this.


We have heard of many thousands of Muslim leaders who have come to Christ, but who prays for these young people? Please pray for the millions of CCP members and the young pioneers.


This is a special appeal to pray for them.


How is God going to work? He speaks sometimes through supernatural means such as dreams and visions, but He tells us to preach the Gospel and pray. Please pray earnestly and fervently.


Finally, why can’t we show as Christians the same commitment to the cause of Christ?


Let me re-write this for you:


I am a member of the Body of Christ  – Scripture


I will serve my fellow brothers and sisters in selfless and humbles service – JOHN 13:1-17


I love my fellow brothers and sisters- 1 JOHN 4:19-21


I love my heavenly home – Scripture


I love the world with the compassion of christ – Scripture


I will study and search the scriptures to be a workman approved of God – 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 AND 3:16-4:2

我将学习研究圣经,成为神认可的事工-提摩太后书2:15和3:16 4:2

I will keep my body my body under subjection- 1 COR 9:24-27


I will prepare well by spending much time with God – Scripture


I will seek every day to make a unique contribution to the Kingdom of God – Scripture


My question is: If people who are trapped in an ideology that is false and a false religion that gives them no hope, and show such devotion it, then why can’t I/we as Christians show true devotion to the One who bought us be His own precious blood and saved us from sin, death and hell?


They spend every penny on spreading their false religion, every hour seeking new converts, and every breath telling people a lie!


I remember years ago; I visited my brother in Canada. He took me to see my favorite ice hockey team, the Ottawa Senators, play their big rivals the Toronto Maple Leaf’s. I sat next to a guy, a leaf’s fan, who had travelled many miles to be there; he had sacrificed his time and money just to see his team play. But will we sacrifice anything; Wednesday nights if it’s raining, will we go to prayer meetings or if it’s raining on a Sunday morning, will we skip church?


We sit there and do nothing; maybe we do a little. If we showed half of the commitment of the Mormons, Muslims and even this young man, then maybe the Gospel would have reached many more than it has.


We need a subtle kick in the pants. Me included! We do just enough to get by.


Some Christians can’t read 4 verses; we feed on scraps and expect to be fed by our pastors. We are not infants! We are adults. Adults feed themselves. Some of you reading this, have:


Never read through the Bible in a year.


Never spent any more than two minutes in prayer.


Never shared the Gospel one to one.


Never stayed still and listened to God for any more than 2 minutes.


This young man will do everything to extend the role of the CCP. He will go to any lengths; he will give all his money, all his time, and all his effort!


What do we give?


Sunday morning or if pushed, Wednesday nights.


Hit a nerve yet?  Good!


Why then aren’t the pastors screaming a warning to their people?




Every prophet in the OT sought to tell the people of Israel what?




The Christian life is a battle zone. It is filled with daily battles, persecution, and fighting our own flesh.


The Christian doesn’t belong here on Earth; we are strangers and pilgrims. We have a home, and we belong there. When we identify with our Saviour, the world will hate us. it hated Him and will hate us. He made that clear.


Life is all about Him! Jesus is our life, Jesus is our love, Jesus is our Lord!


It’s time to show the world that Jesus lives in us.


Penn Gillete is an atheist who said:

Penn Gillete是一个无神论者,他说道:

“If you truly believe that people are going to hell and you don’t tell them, how much do you have to hate them not to tell them?”


Let me say:


If you won’t sacrifice for Christ, if you won’t obey Christ’s commands, if you won’t read His Word, if you won’t spend time with God in prayer,


Then you have a serious problem my friend!


The book of 1 John has a series of questions; look at that book and test yourself to see if you are in the faith – 2 Cor 13:5.


Keith Green, my dear brother, once said this in one of his songs:


“Jesus rose from the dead, and you won’t get out of bed.”


I go back to what that young man said at the start. If you can’t or won’t match his devotion, don’t waste God’s time. If he is so devoted to his ideology, why can’t we be as devoted to Christ?


It doesn’t matter how long you have gone to church, what matters is:


Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”


Please feel free to share this.


Written from my heart,


About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is [email protected] Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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  1. Hi Keith,
    Very interesting and compelling article. Another fine job Keith, thank you!
    God Bless~

  2. your welcome cd

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