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Overcoming Vain Imaginations

Vain imaginations come through our minds and present all sorts of worst-case scenarios as well as fearful, worrisome and anxious pictures in our minds. The enemy wants to use your imagination to present to you, “What if?” and, “I should have … ” scenarios hoping you will agree with the lie. Once you agree with the lie you will begin to believe it and act as if what the enemy has shown you in your imagination will really happen. Living in this state causes great emotional turmoil. Any trauma or emotional crisis in our past can be an access point for the enemy to plant imaginations in our minds if we do not renew our minds with the Word of God. Unhealed pasts, including damaging and destructive memories, can cause an opening for the enemy to plant false images into our minds.

Vain imaginations start with a thought, and if you do not take that thought captive immediately, that thought forms a mental picture in your mind. You then begin “seeing” your fears, anxieties and worries play over and over in your mind. Vain imaginations elicit terror, depression, discouragement, stress, anxiousness, worry and doubt–all of which originate from the enemy. If you choose to hold on to the image the enemy presents to you, it will create a lack of peace and emotional instability. For example, if you have a picture in your mind of someone you love dying and are plagued by fear surrounding the image, that is a vain imagination and needs to be cast down immediately and replaced with a scripture or two from the Word of God.

Overcoming vain imaginations begins with asking yourself, “Is that thought or image from God?” If you do not know, ask yourself, “Do I feel peace and can I find this in the Word of God?” If you answer no to these questions then do not agree with what the enemy is showing you, instead reject the lie immediately and find scripture to say and believe instead. You must do this as quickly as the image comes to your mind, otherwise, a stronghold will form in your mind concerning the false image and you will begin to act and think as if what you were shown is really going to happen.

“Casting down imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against the Kingdom of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5-6

 The enemy is a master of deception and can present to you thoughts and feelings that seem so real. A lot of the times when the enemy messes with our imagination he will use something from our past that really was traumatic or difficult for us and then tack that difficulty onto the lie. Many times you fall for this level of deception because of the partial truth that is attached to the lie.

I find that when I watch negative news reports or even read them, I can have difficulty with all kinds of pictures in my mind that are terrorizing. It is also important that you are careful who you are talking with. The enemy can use anyone to deliver his images to you. Guard your mind from negative reports on television, the internet and other people.

Vain imaginations come to paralyze you and steal your peace. Peace comes as a by-product of time spent with God in His presence and allowing the Word of God to choke out the lies of the enemy. Remember, a lot of times the images you receive from the enemy will seem real but if you’re grounded in God’s Word, you will recognize the deception immediately.

How do you deal effectively with vain imaginations?

About Stephanie Reck

Stephanie has a heart and passion to see broken lives restored and redeemed through Jesus Christ. She writes through her personal experiences and her educational and professional background. She has over 17 years experience in counseling, and has a Master's degree in Social Work, Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and is a Licensed Belief Therapist. Stephanie has been married for 16 years,and has one grown son. Stephanie's desire through her writings is to bring hope and encouragement to the body of Christ, that no matter what you have been though or going through, there is restoration and redemption through Jesus Christ.

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  1. This article is so good! I woke up this morning at 6am and my husband was not laying beside me. I immediately went into worry mode, false imaginations began to appear and o entertained them for 15 minutes. I was thinking, “What if he passed away downstairs?” I even imagined me calling his siblings, close friends flying in to be with me, having a neighbor come get my children, paramedics being here, etc… Sounds crazy, right?

    God showed me this is rooted in worry of losing him. We’re both in our early 30’s and I pray often that we will enjoy life and grow old together. Worry and fear really lied to me this morning. I had to repent for entertaining those thoughts.

    He was sleeping peacefully in our toddlers room. Our son gets up during the night and asks him to lay with him, lol.

    I am thankful I came across this article. You pretty much laid it all out, in depth. This was really good! God bless you!

  2. Thank you for this reminder. I am dealing with the aftereffects of an adulterous relationship and am working hard to rid myself of the stronghold of the imagined love and affection I had with this man. It is constant, tiring work to get him out of my mind and heart, but by the power of the Holy Spirit and replacing the thoughts with Scripture and time with God, I believe I will overcome this and climb out of this valley with Jesus at my side. I am so grateful for His mercy and His lovingkindness.

    • I understand what you are going through im not sure just yet why we do or why betrayal even as innocent children lets the adversary in.
      I feel like we will know soon enough. If i didnt have faith nothing would keep me alive. The love we will receive in the end will be worth it i think. I struggle w this but i feel its for a reason.. ill pray for you Sue, please do the same for me if you dont mind.

  3. Glory to God.!!

  4. Thank you for this word. I was truly blessed to have one across the article as I know it was God. I can’t how timely and relevant this is for me.

  5. Praise God for this article. You have no idea how strong my imagination is. Although it doesn’t necessarily center around irrational fears like mentioned in your article, it’s mostly because I grew up with autism and I could never really relate to reality or accept change too well. I decided to finally make a genuine lifelong commitment to Christ at the beginning of the year after years of just sitting in church and never really paying attention. There were times where I did attempt that but I never got anywhere with it. And for the first time in my life I’m starting to see just how hard the Christian life can be if you spend your whole life hearing sound doctrine over and over again, and you mix it up with all that outside stuff which isn’t really that important.

    • Sounds like my story almost to a tee. Now i see the word coming to life.
      the ‘boring ‘ bible when was a child was being forced on me ..so i fled from it…it now screams at me from my bedside every night, but im a big sinner that never got it until IT got me. And any unbeliever that grew up w me will just scoff at my words.
      Every hour of everyday is a fight. Definitely our own crosses to bear.
      Its not going to be easy for anyone. The only flawless one suffered so immensely how much worse will ours be?
      I think the outside life is important because w out all of this misery i
      would forget why the suffering is happening. I fear the fire but i understand w out it well fall prey to the enemy.

  6. I love this article it is a eye opener .I for years have had imaginations of different relationships in my life from family, marriage, success in career to just being someone else . Each images always have me in grief, sorrow, anger , fear and disappointment with tears . My death is also in most . I hurt a lot of days. I see more and more of these images are because of my traumas in being raised in a violent home with superficial love . I will admit because of all the hurt in my life and praying without seeing any permanent change in this matter I begin to doubt that it will ever happen for me . I really need peace . To all Please Pray for Me . Thank you. E.P

  7. Thank you, Stephanie for your comments. So encouraging was reading the comments of others. I was looking into the meaning of “vain terrors” cited in the diary of St Faustina (Diary entry 453), to whom Jesus appeared often, asking that she pass on his message of Divine Mercy, His goodness, love and hope. Ask yourself when feeling troubled, would God inflict any harm on you? No. The Evil One takes advantage of our troubled minds, and will do anything to turn you against God. We were given our free will by God to choose; He would not control us, rather asks that we trust in him. Remember how Jesus suffered and what he went through out of love for us and to bring us back to God and away from evil. In this diary entry, Jesus asks St Faustina, “Why are you fearful?” He goes on to say, “Most dear to Me is the soul that strongly believes in My goodness and has complete trust in Me. I heap My confidence upon it and give it all it asks.” When disturbing thoughts come to me that I know are from the Evil One, I put one wrist over the other to form a cross, indicating that I hold the cross of Jesus against evil, banishing the Evil One. I am telling evil to get back, go away. Trust in God and ask Him to lead you along the right path, because it is hard with our free will and we often go in the wrong direction. Trust, and seek God’s help in your journey. Remember too that in struggling we have growth. Hold tight to His hand. Let us ask for God’s peace in our troubled minds.

  8. I can now identify my crazy thoughts as “vain imaginations” and this helps me to turn to the Lord to put a HALT to my indulgences. It seems I continually get into arguments and contests of debate with real people and those I imagine – all in my mind. This had crept into my devotional time and I was perplexed as to why I am driven to play out scenarios and debates in my head – all day! I came across “vain imaginations” and am grateful to at least be able to identify it. 2 Corinthians 10:5 will be my “go to” scripture. Thank you!

  9. Benedict Chidebere Ugwuede

    I have several experiences of rising above human reproaches and vain imaginations in my life.
    Recently after losing a bank work and failing to see my wife deliver my dream third son, I find myself becoming subject to human reproaches and imaginations.
    What can I do to overcome this scenario and get restored in the grace of rising above human reproaches and vain imaginations?


    • I’ve lived with vain imaginations most of my life due to trauma. I’ve been a christian since I was 19. I’m now 57. I’ve been with my current therapist for 3-1/2 years. I’ve seen many throughout the years, who have been helpful to one degree or another. I’d wanted to see my current therapist for several years, but I couldn’t get in. It was all in God’s timing – I wasn’t ready before. My struggles changed in intensity, but I trusted God. I was a complete mess for most of the month of November. I let messages on her vm regularly, sometimes three in a day. She responded only when I asked. I persevered and in mid-December there was a breakthrough. She was cautious, but I haven’t called her since then. Im doing well. The evil one doubled down because I was close to a breakthrough. I’ve had a few great friends throughout the years who were amazing supports, which is one reason why I was “prepared” by the time He sent me to her. Holy Spirit connected us in God’s timing, and used friends other therapists and even “enemies” to prepare me. I’ve recently learned that when I read scripture out loud, pray out loud, pour out my heart out loud it’s more effective. When I’m being attacked in my mind, it seems futile to counter it in my mind. It’s one of satan’s ploys. Growing up I had to keep everything inside; it became a way of life and seemed normal. I still struggle daily, but not even close to what I had in the past. God is faithful. This is my experience. Holy Spirit will lead you to victory along His own path for you. Praying for you, Virginia.

      • virginia pritchard chambers

        BLESS YOU.

    • Mind declarations…. Decree it until you believe it.

      Thank You Sovereign God, that we have the mind of Christ, the Messiah and do hold the thoughts, the feelings, the purposes of His heart.(1 Cor 2:16)

      Almighty God, in the name of Jesus I decree my mind, my thought patterns come under the submission of Your Lordship, I command my mind to think good thoughts, to meditate on thoughts that are pure, upright, praiseworthy.
      My mind you will think the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand side of the Father

      I choose to have the same attitude of mind towards other’s that Christ Jesus had.(Rom 15:5b) And choose to think good throughs about other’s
      I decree that every stronghold and demonic thought pattern come down in the name of Jesus.
      Old thinking, old mindsets, ungodly mindsets are broken in the name of Jesus..
      Memory recall demons we declare your powers broken over our mindsets in Jesus name amen!
      I renounce operating in the realm of the flesh Jesus name Amen

      I have the mind of Christ …(1 Cor 2:16)
      new mind
      pure mind
      clean mind
      victorious mind
      strong mind

      I declare that my mind is alert & sober in Jesus name Amen.(1Per 1:13
      I think clearly in Jesus name Amen

      My mind is RENEWED! HEALTHY! STRONG! I am focused and NOT DISTRACTED!
      I do not wonder off in my mind, my mind comes in alignment with a will of God!
      I renounce Having my mind set on what the flesh desire.
      I declare that I would live in accordance with the Spirit and have my mind set on what the Spirit desires in Jesus name Amen

      I rebuke mind- blinding demons & renounce mental break downs.
      my mind is protected by the Blood of Jesus and the helmet of salvation.
      My mind is open to the direction of the Holy Spirit– I am not bound up by evil thinking..

      My mind is open to receive instruction and I willingly obey God
      I will have no memory loss or short memory!
      my mind received understanding and can process information.
      Strongholds and mindset that were formed through trauma, abuse & bad experiences break today in Jesus name.
      I THINK BIG!

      I speak life and positivity over my mind, rejecting every negative thought, in the name of Jesus Christ.

      May my thoughts be aligned with God’s promises, filled with hope and assurance, in the name of Jesus Christ

      I refuse to believe the lies of the enemy and I do not allow my mind to be polluted and infiltrated by gossip, lies, deception, distraction’s etc
      I have authority over my mind and I command my mind to function in a Godly healthy way in JESUS NAME!

      But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. – 2 Thess 3:3 NLT

      Lord, protect my mind from all schemes of satan. I’m thankful for our authority in Jesus; satan has no lasting power over my mind! Please break any strongholds in the name of Jesus, bringing healing to my thought life. Please replace satan’s condemning voice with Your own and help me to be able to recognize his lies for what they are.


      Father In the name of our LORD JESUS I Ask dispatch the warring angels of the Lord to wage war on the demonic host and legions that have been assigned against our minds…
      I cover our conscience ,thoughts, ideas, thinking process and imagination with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

      Abba Father I ask You to bless me with holier thoughts & the grace to think about the things above.

      I rebuke demonic forces from injecting blasphemous, unholy, perverted sexual immortal thoughts In me in Jesus name the Blood of Jesus against these evil forces..

      I Bind the demons & loose upon them the spirit of destruction (1Chron 21:12) burning & judgment from the Lord Jesus Christ…Fire of God destroy you evil demons from releasing unholy thoughts into our minds..
      LORD Loose warrior angels upon the demons in Jesus name Amen.

      I loosen my mind from a stinking attitude and my conscience from defilement, corruption, & guilt in Jesus name Amen

      Father, we want to thank you in advance for soundness of mind, the ability to focus, concentrate, make a sound decision and to possess a sense of freedom in our thoughts through the Blood of Jesus
      Thank you for pure pleasant imagination, the ability to freely think positively by Jesus’Blood.
      Abba Father, bless us with a clear conscience.
      Thank you for giving us the power to loosen our minds of perverted sexual immoral thoughts, negativity, evil imagination and thinking evil of others.

      I loosen my mind from a stinking attitude and my conscience from defilement, corruption, & guilt in Jesus name Amen

      I declare that my mind is fix on thoughts that is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and worthy of Christ ✝️ and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard my heart & mind as I live in Christ Jesus ( Phil 4:7-8
      You must cast down vain imaginations, and bring every thought into captivity to obedience of Christ..(2Cor 10:5)

      in Almighty Jesus name Amen

      I do this prayer daily, especially if my imagination and thoughts is under attack…
      I hope it helps you…
      Reading the Bible verbally helps a lot…

  11. Virginia I understand your pain your worry and fear . This is January 3,2022 . My church each year do a 12 fast . We eat 1 meal a day between 6 am to 6 pm . In that time frame reading your Bible and praying to God in Jesus name is our focus . If you work do your job but don’t get caught up in any unrighteousness talk or behavior . Turn tv on spiritual channels if you choose to watch it . Sing spiritual songs to the lord and at night while you sleeping let the word of God be playing on your cellphone or speakers so even while sleeping it will get down in your heart. 12 days of fasting, praying, singing to the lord , reading your Bible . Don’t tell anyone you are fasting that’s when Satan use them to try to distract you from doing it . I believe Fasting will help you a lot Virginia . God Bless You !

    • I agree that fasting and praying break strongholds of vain imagination’s and unholy image’s….
      The battle is real and we must do our part to get God’s Word into our heart’s….

  12. Thanks for sharing this post very encouraging. Love the comments too!

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