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Jesus, The Name Above All Names

I recently received an email from a person which read, “I am not familiar with your name.” I didn’t know what it was about, and frankly didn’t care. The thought that came to mind was it didn’t really matter if my name was familiar. The only name that really matters is Jesus. There is power in his name! As recorded in Matthew 1:21, Mary will have a son, “and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

The most common way that Christians use the name of Jesus is, of course, at the close of a prayer when it is said, “In Jesus name, Amen.” However, there are several other ways that his powerful name should be mentioned.

Sometimes prayer is asking for things, but it must be done according to God’s will and in his name. John 14:13-14 says, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do…If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” Other times in prayer when seeking forgiveness, in Acts 2:38 Peter said to “repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sin.”

Healing power will also be given in the name of Jesus. In Acts 3:1-7 the story is told of Peter and John entering the temple when they noticed a man who could not walk. He was asking for money and food. Peter told the man he had neither, but said to him, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” Immediately, the man’s feet became strong.

Demons are subject to the name of Jesus. When 72 people were sent out to towns and villages in advance of the coming of Jesus, they returned and said, “Lord, even the demons are subject to your name.” There are many other accounts in the Bible where demons were cast out of people through the power of Jesus.

Salvation results by His name. Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” In fact, Jesus has been the only name to call upon in all of history. “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved”(Acts 4:12). There is coming a time when “at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”(Phil.2:10-11).

May we all, as Christians, say the words recorded in Jeremiah 10:6. “There is none like you, O Lord; you are great, and your name is great in might.” The name of Jesus should be used much more than it is to bring glory to God. My big question to everybody reading:

How familiar are you with the name of Jesus?

About John Clark

John Livingston Clark is 75 years of age and lives in central Washington State (USA). He majored in vocal music at San Diego State University. He is also a graduate of Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon (USA). He went into the writing field at the age of 50 to pursue his dream of becoming a published author. He has the pleasure of using his God-given gift of writing to write articles for the bottom line ministries. His articles can also be read on www.faithwriters.com.

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One comment

  1. Hello John,
    Great message! Good closing question too!

    The powerful name of Jesus is a fine honed life source for all issues in our lives.

    And His love is as no other!

    I enjoyed your article; I am sure it will bless others.
    Thank you,

    God Bless~

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