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Physical Healing or Salvation? What is God’s Best?

Many times when we hear of a child, teenager, or adult who is sick or has special needs, our gut instinct is to pray for their physical healing. We cry day and night for God to give this person new health and a new body. Whenever, we see someone in a wheel chair, we ask them if we could pray for them to be able to walk. If we encounter a parent with a child who has special needs, we pray that the child no longer has autism, down syndrome, or cerebral palsy. Whenever we hear of someone battling cancer, we pray that God would shrink the tumor and make all the sickness go away. Many times we do not even ask about their relationship with God. Sometimes we even think that it’s just not possible for anyone who has a physical sickness or special needs to come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, so we use that as an excuse not to share the Gospel.

God’s best for everyone, including those with special needs, is that we come to a real and personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. As Christians, our first and foremost calling is to tell the Good News so that none should perish.

John 3: 16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

We need to let action and words match. A good way to share The Good News is to serve and teach.  In serving those with special needs, we open the pathway to share Christ crucified and raised from the dead. That is Good News for ALL.  Those who place their trust in Jesus Christ will now and always live with Him, so that even when our bodies fail us, we can have the hope that in the end our eternal spirits will be okay. Please make a conscious effort to change the first gut reaction to one that is concerned with the spiritual condition of those with special needs. Pray for salvation and for physical healing, while caring and sharing Christ with action and words. Remember, the one thing that lasts forever is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Who is someone with special needs that you can reach out to with the Good News of Jesus Christ today?


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