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The Lord Blessed Him

Psalm 115:14” May the LORD give you increase more and more, you and your children. The Bible is full of examples of God increasing his children in supernatural ways. Genesis 26:12-13 “Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy.” Isaac planted in a time when there was a full blown famine in the land and in the surrounding nations. The last part of verse 12 says” …..The Lord blessed him.” Notice the key phrase “the Lord blessed him.”

You see without the Lord blessing the work of our hands our labor is in vain. How else could Isaac sow a new crop in arid soil and reap not one but 100 times back his original seed investment. The Lord God of Abraham, Isaac,and Jacob supernaturally increased his yield and blessed him in the land he was dwelling. Earlier in that chapter God told him not to go down to Egypt but stay in the land where God would tell him to dwell. God desires to bless us in all facets of life like he did Isaac but we must be obedient to His small still voice.
Let’s say you have a significant amount of money to invest in God’s kingdom and your mind tells you to invest it in this missionary organization. God is telling you to give it your neighbor down the street; who is so far from God that he would have to travel to the other side of the Milky Way to reach him. What will you do? It makes no sense to give this money to this neighbor. God is telling you to give the money to this neighbor and you know it is God. You know you should do what God is telling you.

Remember Isaac was going to go to Egypt because the grass was greener over there. God said no stay here in the midst of the famine and I will bless you. Logically, it made no sense to Isaac to stay in a desert but he did and God made a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Give the money to your neighbor and watch what God will do for you. Do it today!


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