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Alone Yet Not Alone





BY John Livingston Clark


A song that was nominated for an academy award is ALONE YET NOT ALONE. It is the theme song for a little-known faith-based movie of the same title, that earned only $134,000 during its initial three-week debut.


The main focus of attention recently has been on the person who was chosen to record the song. It was not a famous musician; nor was it a Hollywood celebrity. The person singing the song is Joni Eareckson Tada, a 64-year old Christian paraplegic who is the founder of JONI AND FRIENDS, an international Christian relief ministry that provides wheelchairs for people all around the world.


Although not a professional singer, her pleasing voice was discovered while speaking and singing hymns as part of her message, at the 2013 National Religious  Broadcasters  Convention. The film’s producer was sitting in the audience and invited her to record the song. Joni not only liked the simple melody, but also saw it as a fitting piece to which she personally related, because in her words, “I sit down in a stand-up world and often feel alone…”


Unfortunately the song was removed from the list of nominations due to an improper procedure the composer used, to obtain votes. Even though the song was not mentioned at the Oscars, Joni hopes the attention focused on her and the song will further the ministry of her organization.


In being chosen to sing the song Joni said, “The Bible is filled with stories of God picking ill-equipped, unskilled people for places of great influence, which is how I feel as a quadriplegic singing an Academy Award-nominated song. ”  To that I might add that ALONE YET NOT ALONE applies to each and every Christian, for we truly are surrounded continually by God’s presence, and His Holy Spirit abides in our lives.


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About John Clark

John Livingston Clark is 75 years of age and lives in central Washington State (USA). He majored in vocal music at San Diego State University. He is also a graduate of Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon (USA). He went into the writing field at the age of 50 to pursue his dream of becoming a published author. He has the pleasure of using his God-given gift of writing to write articles for the bottom line ministries. His articles can also be read on www.faithwriters.com.

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  1. Joel, Thank you for posting this glorious song. I never heard this before. God definitely blessed Joni’s voice. She prayed for it to be without cracking and stuff, God honored her and her voice was perfect. Beautiful, touching, heartfelt song.

  2. Susan, The author of the article is John Livingston Clark. He is from Faithwriters and will be contributing to this site.

  3. Whoops! I’m sorry John, welcome. Everything I said in my comment is to you then. Thank you!

  4. John,
    God uses the weak things of the world to confound the strong. His ways
    are marvelous and great post

  5. Thank you for bringing this article to life. I knew Joni would occasionally sing on her program, but I did not know about the movie and all that happened to the song. I look forward to seeing what God will do in her ministry. Welcome by the way. It’s nice to connect with everyone and see what all they are writing about.

  6. This article is being linked to “Joel” when the author is John Livingston Clark. I should be able to click on the name and see his other articles.

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