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How An Interview With Jesus Might Go If I Had The Chance

What if you could interview Jesus this very moment? What would you ask? How do you think He’d reply?

I’ve thought of some questions, I’d love to ask Jesus. And if you will indulge me for but a little while, I’d like to explore the possibilities of that interview happening for the sake of this article. And imagine it as I think it would have turned out.

CD: Jesus, my LORD. Thank You so much for taking the time to sit here and speak with me!

JESUS: You’re welcome.

CD: My LORD – thank You for going to the cross for me. Was it hard for You to make that decision to do that selfless and miraculous act for me, and all of humanity? That You came to die for me/us? That you loved us that much? It still is so hard to understand! (John 3:16)

JESUS: No. It was not hard to make that decision. Surely, I tell you this, I had come to fulfill the law as you are aware. And I had come to do my Father’s will, and so it was done as planned. (Matthew 5:17-20)

CD: Thank you doesn’t seem enough to say. But Thank YOU!

JESUS: No need for thanks. It was out of love and wanting you to join Me in eternal life. I came to bring that to you, and all else who accept Me as their LORD and Savior. For as it is written, no one goes to the Father but through Me. (John 14:6)

CD: What were you thinking when you walked up that hill to where You would be nailed to the cross for me? For the world? For our sins? And when Simeon helped carry the cross for you? (Matthew 27:32-56)

JESUS: I was only thinking of my love for you. And the love of my Father, who sent Me to do this. There was no other way to protect you. The sin was so great upon the earth that it was impossible for all of you to join us in heaven, if not for this act. It was a plan of righteousness to fulfill and to complete the Word of My Father. In order to save you all, I had to be offered as a sacrifice, a pure offering so that your sins could be purged.

CD: Thank YOU! Thank You! Thank YOU! I adore You LORD!

JESUS: I love you my child. It was all worth it.

CD: Your blood washed me clean, I was washed with a hyssop and white as snow.( Psalm 51:7)

JESUS: The Father’s will was done and all worth it. (John 17:4)

CD: Jesus, I have accepted You as my LORD and Savior. And I love all of Your Words. But, in Matthew 28:20 I love how You stated—

JESUS: -Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

CD: Yes! Amen!  But that part at the end, “lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world…” That gets me every time. Knowing not only what You did for ME!  But that You remain with me always, until the end…and then promised Eternal Life in Heaven…with You!

JESUS: And don’t forget the Lamb’s book of Life. (Here I think Jesus would be smiling at me with a twinkling in His eyes.)

CD: Yes! Jesus, am I in that book?

JESUS: What do you think? (Again smiling)

CD: I am! I believe I am. I will do I can until my last days to follow You!

JESUS: I know  you will, thank you for loving me. It was beautiful speaking to You today.  Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). And remember, I defeated death, and I reign Victorious over all. (1 Corinthians 15:55) Greater is the One in you than the one in the World. (1 John 4:4)

CD: I will remember it always, and I love You with all of my heart and soul!

JESUS: As I do you.

CD: But one more question before you go. Will the times get a lot worse before Your return my LORD?

JESUS: (I imagine His face gets very serious here) Yes, it will. But all these things that are happening, is a preparation of what is to come. These are all significant signs. Wars, rumors of wars. Weather pattern changes, debauchery and iniquitous actions in the media, on the street, and a degenerate generation assembling themselves in fighting against the Light. What is abnormal and perverse, is now considered normal and sane. What was once law, applies no more in the civility of the streets. The mockery of Christians, the desecration of my Father’s Word, all this and more. But I promise You that as a child of the Light and a child of God, that you and these other individuals will be rewarded justly. As will the evil ones in the dark. Just remember through it all, I love you.

CD: I love You JESUS!

JESUS: I know you do. You have accepted me as LORD and Savior. So that in itself is love.

CD: Jesus, I know You are running late for Your next miracle. But…do you think we can have dinner sometime soon?

JESUS: (Big smile here I would imagine) Yes. You can count on that.

And that is how I imagine an interview would have gone with my LORD and Savior. Hope you enjoyed this article. What are some of the questions you would ask Jesus if you had Him in front of you right this moment? How would you act? What would you say? Are you ready for supper with the Lamb?

Father, God, thank You for Your Son, my LORD and Savior, may I aspire to do all things according to Your will and purpose, may I humbly subject myself to being a servant to You daily and in all things, may I be one of the many who will be seated at the table with the Lamb for the glorious supper in the future, until then, all glory and honor are Yours, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


C D SWANSON is an Author of 22 plus books, freelance writer, contributor to various websites, including The Bottom Line Ministries/Faith News. She's an active member of Faithwriters- and has her online website/ministry for over 15 years. It is her greatest joy to write what’s in her heart, and thus her favorite form of expression is in her devotionals. She and her husband share a deep love of God and dote on their fur baby Mickey. Retired Director from Long Term Healthcare Industry, she continues to be an advocate for many. To check out other writings of this author you can go here:

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