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I’ve Left My Life

It is the physical law of how any new life begins that something must first die (John 12:24). This statement of truth by Jesus is not an easy plan. Jesus is giving us what must happen in the Spiritual world. Man needs a Spiritual rebirth by a work of God alone. It cannot be done through any work of a man.

It is a Spiritual truth that the world will never understand and few even in Christ’s Church are able to see. Only in one’s death is new life given. Through one (Adam) death entered into the world and through only One (Jesus) is new life then given (1 Corinthians 5:21-22). “Self” must die right along with Christ and be raised also right along with Him in His resurrection (John 12:25).

Unless “self” dies, one dies alone apart from God. Christ fell to the ground like a kernel of corn to die as the “first fruits” of righteousness (being right with God). Through His death, new life sprang forth and more fruit was born. You and I, like more kernels of corn, we must also die—To self and to this world! Once we have died, even more fruit will follow. This is what is not seen in most of our Church Members today and that few Preachers are preaching.

Have you truly left your life behind? How are you dying today to give someone else new life in Christ?


I’ve Left My Life

I’ve left my life,
And all my preparations.
I’m through with all the negotiations.
Tried to keep telling myself,
I don’t need You until I need You!
Tried to keep fooling myself,
I’ve enough until it’s not enough!
I’ve left my life for someone who is strong enough!

I’ve left my life!
I wasn’t good enough anyway.

I can hear You, Lord!
I can hear You calling out my name.
So tired of being the same with the blame.
I’m ready to turn from myself.
I won’t go back to the old me.
Saying goodbye to the old self.
I am not good enough for You.
No good thing can I do except through You.

I’ve left my life!
I wasn’t good enough anyway,
So I turned me away!

I feel like I’m coming alive!
Never thought it would feel so good to die.
To myself.
To everything else.
I have lived a life of desperation.
Every moment seemed another defeat.
Failing in all of my preparations,
My will lay defeated at my Savior’s feet!

I’ve left my life!
I turned me away.
I need You, Lord!
Oh, how I need You today!
I wasn’t good enough anyway.
I’ve left my life.
I longed for the sweet aroma of life.
Had enough of the smell of my own death.
You are the only life that can give new life,

So I left my life!

Ron C. Kyker


Jesus said He came that we might have life. He is “the path of life“, “the fountain of life“, and “the bread of life.” Jesus is “the light of life” and the “open door” to new life. He is “the resurrection and the life.” Those who believe will be given “eternal life” through Him. We have Christ when “we have been united together in the likeness of His death.” Paul said: “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So the life I now live in the body, I live because of the faithfulness of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20).

So, I left my life!



About Ron

I am a layperson with 35 yrs. of teaching Sunday School, bible studies, and preaching on occasion. I teach a bible study in a local prison. I am a 36 yr. counselor/social worker. I am disabled and have devoted the past four years to studying, praying, and writing about my greatest love; this gospel of Jesus Christ that has the power to save a man's soul. I also write devotions for a Church in Marion, VA and I write for an orphanage/ministry in Zambia, Africa.

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