Home / Poetry / Peace Be Still

Peace Be Still

Though the world is filled with anger,
our words must answer without slander.

Words that deflect Satan’s intentions,
keeping us shielded from his deceptions.

So often we do not take our thoughts captive,
before our own words have caused us entrapment.

Following Christ’s example is always better,
catching the devil off-guard with each letter.

A soft response coming from our hearts,
will cause any daggers to depart.

Whereas harsh words pack more fuel,
with full intentions of starting a duel.

Duel’s multiply right before our eyes,
giving root to hate propelled by lies.

Just as Jesus calmed the wind and sea,
we should follow His words of peace.

His words should come from our hearts,
causing incoming storms to depart.

Tempers can quickly be extinguished,
when harsh words are relinquished.

You see, “peace be still,” is not just for the sea.
It is also intended for each living being.

Let Jesus speak to the storms in your life,
so your heart will not be filled with strife.

Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

About Linda Delgado

Linda Delgado was born and raised in Springfield, Missouri. She moved down to Corpus Christi, Texas, with her parents, where she graduated from high school in 1977. She attempted to pursue a medical field, soon after. Realizing that's not where God's plan was for her, she continued following the Lord. In 1985, she married her husband, Rodolfo Delgado (after 38 yrs, is now with the Lord as of September 2023). In August of 2022, she became a Poetry author (Living Poems: From the Father's Heart - Inspirational Poems). She also enjoys sharing God's heart through freelance writing, as well. She is also a member of Faithwriters.com. Linda still enjoys the companionship of two pets, Tina (Chihuahua) and Miss Kitty (Tabby). Their grandson (18) plans on finishing high school next year. Linda hopes to put another book together, as the Lord leads, and is hoping to pursue her interests in writing a memoir. Her writings are concentrated on hearing the heart of God, by encouraging other believers and revealing God's heart for unbelievers.

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  1. Welcome to the writing team, Linda, from a fellow writer on this site.

  2. Hello Linda,

    Beautiful poem!
    I look forward to seeing more of your work.
    God Bless~

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